Washing the hands in the same plate one had eaten in
Q: Is it permissible to wash the hands in the same plate that we ate the food (after eating)?
Q: Is it permissible to wash the hands in the same plate that we ate the food (after eating)?
Q: How long is it required for a person to donate to his poors relatives? Since he see's that they are not working? If I stop giving them they will not even work but their families will suffer more or continue donating will make them worst?
Q: I embraced Islam a few years ago. My brothers aren't Muslims. Will it still be permissible for me to hug them, talk to them, etc.?
Q: I embraced Islam a few years ago. When I was a non-muslim, I was quite a well-known figure and there are pictures of me everywhere. After I embraced Islam, I tried my best to delete what I could, but it is impossible to delete all. There are hundreds of people who might have my pics and I wouldn't even know about it. So is it a sin for me?
Q: Is there any virtue reported in the Hadith for passing away during the month of Ramadhaan?
Q: If a husband says to his wife, "do you want to write widow in your marital status or you are a widow?" Will divorce take place?
Q: What is the virtue of passing away on a Friday?
Q: Is it possible to give a house bonded by the bank and a used vehicle with no idea on what the monetary value is as mahr? E.g. Maher is my house that I am living in (with a bond of 500 000.00) and my car but no mention of the value.
Q: I am getting married and I am worried about Imaan and kufr. Since I heard that nikah will be nullified if one of the two did kufr, what precautions should one take?
Is it kufr to like kuffaar daily life ways? E.g. If someone wears kuffar clothes like pants and shirt, if we praise that person by saying that they are looking pretty in this dress, so is this kufr? There are many kuffaar thing which people have adopted nowadays and my husband to be is a duniyadar. Please guide.
Q: Please advise if the wordings in the following du'aa is correct: