Marrying a man who touched one's mother with lust

Q: I got a proposal from a good, religious man. Ten years ago he once touched my mothers hand with a sinful/lustful intention not more than that. And my mom did not get to know about his intentions. He immediately repented and did not do that again. At that time he didn't know that he will be proposing to me.

If I marry this person, will our marriage be valid or not. It happened ten years ago. Also, now everyone knows that I'm getting married to him and it's so hard to leave each other and to convince our families. 

Doubting if one experienced a wet dream

Q: In Behashti Zewar by Molana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (rahmatullahi alaihi) there are conditions for ghusl if we find the wetness after waking up. The conditions are based on if a person remember a wet dream or if a person doesn't remember a wet dream.

1. If a person is doubtful about having a wet dream, very confused about a wet dream or not then in this situation which conditions should one follow?

2. Does being doubtful about having a wet dream come under the situation where a person doesn't remember having a wet dream?

Taking back an item after giving it to someone

Q: In India it is quite common for girls to receive jewellery as gifts or rewards by relatives. I received an expensive gold chain from my paternal aunt for passing my graduation with distinction. Also my dad gifted me a gold set. Also at the time of my wedding I received some gold jewellery.

All this jewellery is under my mom's possession. She says that I have no right over it and the jewellery belongs to her. Since I have left my father's house I have forfeited my right over my gifts. She plans to gift them to my sisters in law maybe sometime in the future.

I would like to know if I can get some of the gifts back. I have extreme sentimental value for the gifts given by my dad and aunt who are not alive anymore.


Q: A person told me that what is the need for making taqleed? ...The Angels of death won't ask "are you Wahhabi? Are you Shia? Are you Sunni? etc." They will ask Mann Rabbuka, Ma Deenuka and Mann Nabbiyka? Mufti Saheb, is this correct?

Wife not sure if husband divorced her

Q: If a husband denies and is ready to give oath about not divorcing his wife but the wife thinks that he has divorced her over the phone. She is confused as her husband is giving an oath and she too was very angry when she asked for divorce so she isn’t sure whether he said it or maybe she heard it wrong. Who should be believed, the husband or the wife?