Arranged marriages

Q: If a non Muslim asks us how can we just marry someone we don't know, like without speaking to the person or only seeing them once and then deciding that's the person you want to spend your life with, whats a good answer to give?

Feeling despondent due to duas not being fulfilled

Q: I have been feeling very low on imaan lately. I have been praying for something very specific for the last 3 years but it is not getting fulfilled. No doubt Allah knows best and has the best for us in store but one question that keeps me anxious all day is that, what have I done to earn the annoyance of Allah and not even get one namaz, surah or even a sujood accepted that I have been praying for that purpose. 

Bay'us salam (forward sale)

Q: When Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) came to Madina, the people used to pay in advance the price of dates to be delivered within two or three years. He said (to them), ‘Whoever pays in advance the price of a thing to be delivered later should pay it for a specified measure at specified weight for a specified period’”(Bukhari no: 2239).

I read this quotation in a book. Can I know how it is done according to mazhab of Shaafee?

Husband not spending time with wife and kids

Q: My husband is not giving proper time to me or my kids. I think he did a second marriage but whenever I ask him he always lies. He goes out every evening and I know everything about this girl but only nikah is not confirmed, whether he did it or not.

If he did nikah then he is hiding it from me (first wife). He gives us money, food, shelter but he does not spend any time time with me or the kids. Is he sinful for not giving time and love to us?

Drawing lots

Q: Can we use qur'ah (drawing lots) to decide?

For example: There were three hotel rooms in different floors. We were three families. So we put the names of the rooms on small pieces of paper and asked the the people to pick a paper and whatever room number he gets, he will have to stay in that room. Is it ok?

Can we apply the same principle in the other places?

Husband attributing divorce to a future date

Q: Me and my husband had an argument and then I came to my parents house. I was pregnant at that time. My husband, just to threaten me so that I would come back home sent me a message saying "divorce Septmeber, 2017". He wanted to tell me that he will give me a divorce in September but he did this just to make me upset and did not intend as such. The very next month, in April, he came to me and we had a relation and apologized for what he did. He said that he just did it to threaten me so that I would come back. We want to know if it will be counted as divorce? 

Doubting whether one had a wet dream or not

Q: I am a female, after waking up in the morning sometimes I am very doubtful whether I had a wet dream or not. I am certain that no orgasm took place. The vaginal discharge is white or clear as regular discharge or sometimes clear water as sweat in very little quantity as moisture of organs. The discharge does not even come out of the labia majoria. It is inside only. So do I need to do ghusl as I am doubtful of whether I had wet dream or not?