Duration for Ajwah dates to be taken for shifa
Q: Is there any duration mentioned for which Ajwah dates should be taken for shifa?
Q: Is there any duration mentioned for which Ajwah dates should be taken for shifa?
Q: My problem is that I am unemployed and my family is forcing me to get a job in a bank but I don't want to do this job because I think it's haraam. What should I do?
Q: The place where I live is a very cold place so the imam of the mosque always wears normal socks and does masah on the socks. Is it better to pray behind him without doubting or pray behind him and repeat the namaz make jamaat at home with one's family members? Which option do you recommend?
Q: Can a husband hold his wife's hand in public?
Q: My question is regarding the order of recition of Surah's in namaz. We are students and I was the imaam for fajr. In first rakat, after Surah Faatihah, I recited Surah Nasr and in the second rakat, after Surah Faatihah I recited the first 3 verses of Surah Mulk. Was the namaz totally wrong and needed to be offered again?
Q: I want to know about tahajjud salaah, how can we perform tahajjud?
Q: I am very much inspired by tassawuf and zikr of Allah and the guidance of Auliyas in our lives. I want to know, did any of the Auliyas use music while doing zikr of Allah? I have seen a video of a Shaikh who uses music in zikr. Please throw some light about the truth.
Q: I am a 22 year old male. 2 years I was in love with a girl and then we broke up. I was deeply in love with her so my freind suggested that I go to a magician (peer) so I went to a Shia magician and he told me to do these things:
1. Put sand outside the house of the one I love
2. Put one date (kajoor) inside mud
3. Put your photographs inside honey
4. Put one big stone on a taweez
5. And he gave me one human like page and told me to put it inside some graveyard and put a thread in its throat.
I have done all these things but after 1 month I felt that I am doing sihr so I decided stop. I called the magician and told him that I dont want her anymore. He told me to drop all the things in water. I dropped the honey in water, the taweez in water, but the date (kajoor) is still inside the mud and the page is inside the graveyard. My mission was not completed and the girl didnt come back. There was no harm caused to that girl. So now I want to repent.
1. Do I have to remove the date (kajoor) from the mud?
2. Do I have to remove the page from the graveyard? I remember the graveyard but I don't remember the exact place where i put it.
3. How do I repent and what do I do?
Q: I would like to know if a boy can see many girls before deciding on which one he would like to marry, or should he see one girl at a time?
Q: I read about the Islamic ruling that a man should not touch his mother-in-law, and if he does that, his relationship with his wife will forever become haraam. I am very conscious about this.
Today I visited my in-laws with my wife and I was very conscious about it more than before. My mother-in-law wanted to give me a gift for my birthday and I did not accept the gift. She forcefully gave my the gift by lifting my hand and putting it in my hand. I had no sexual desire towards my mother-in-law before she handed it over to me and even when she held my hand to give me the gift, I had no sexual intentions. But, I had a rush of blood in my body when she was continuously insisting and forcing me to accept the gift. When she held my hand to give me the gift, there was a rush of blood, but believe me there was no sexual desire or intentions from my end. I am very much upset now that whether my wife has become haram on me?