Does the word ‘tawaffi’ appear in the Quran?
Q: Does the word ‘tawaffi’ appear in the Quran?
Q: Does the word ‘tawaffi’ appear in the Quran?
Q: Is it obligatory to floss after eating when a person is fasting? Sometimes food can get stuck and I can't feel it there.
Q: Whenever I buy something from outside of the UK with my debit card, my bank takes a purchase/transaction fee. I dont mind this. Is this allowed?
Q: Is it permissible to give medical aids or treatment to wounded pigs in Islam?
Q: What is the best time to recite Surah Yaseen and Surah Ar-Rahmaan?
Q: Is it permissible to name a Muslim child Isra'eel or Benyamin? What's the correct spelling of both?
Q: If a hair from a human or animal gets on a food or drink item, do we have to dispose of it? I have multiple cats at home.
Q: I am currently living with my parents with my husband and 2 toddlers, my sister lives in her own house but has no kids. Do I need to offer my mother and sister whenever I go out with my husband and children like to the beach or for outings? My father does not take my mother out much and her only opportunity to go out for entertainment is with us. Sometimes I feel guilty if I don't offer them as I would not want to be in their situation one day but I like spending quality time with my husband and children only.
Q: I live in Denmark and it is very difficult to find halal food here. My question is that can we eat the food of Ahle kitaab, like chicken, goat, etc. which is actually halal in Islam but Christians have cut them?
The question is that, is fish halal in all contexts?
Q: Can I name my newborn baby son Zidan and what is the meaning of Zidan?