Old woman wearing niqaab
Q: Someone wants to wear the niqaab for long time but keeps getting put off. She is 60 years old. Is it compulsory for her to wear niqaab. She does wear cloak and scarf.
Q: Someone wants to wear the niqaab for long time but keeps getting put off. She is 60 years old. Is it compulsory for her to wear niqaab. She does wear cloak and scarf.
Q: What can a person do if he has bad thoughts about people and their misfortunes, evil glances and waswasa. He makes lot of istigfaar but does not help.
Q: The one who wakes up, his hands are napak? What is the ruling for a person who does not wash his hands and goes to the washroom and touches the taps etc. and after washing his hands does not pour water on the taps and closes the tap. So does his hands, the taps etc. become napak? What about if he touches other things, will that also become napak?
Q: Is it allowed to teach children rhymes with simple music in preschool?
Q: Mufti sahib, you had previously issued a ruling stating that 'diyat' is not applicable in the case of homicide in a non-muslim country based on the reasoning that the decision of a qādhi is necessary for it to be implemented. I have come across the following text in 'badaai'-us-sanaai' under the chapter فصل في الأحكام التي تختلف باختلاف الدارين, ويضمن الدية خطأ كان أو عمدا وتكون في ماله لا علي العاقلة ... This ibaarat suggest that diyat is compulsory even in darul-kufr. I would appreciate Hazrat Mufti sahib's guidance in this matter.
Q: A few years ago I made a promise that I would not have a certain food and drink until I got married but a few months ago I felt that Allah does not need me to stop eating and drinkig for a fulfilment of a need but rather I should do dua and other optional deeds. So I first gave money towards the poor (kaffara) and re-started eating what I had stopped but I am not sure if I should have done this. If not, please let me know what I should do now?
Q: I miss 7 fasts every year in Ramadan due to periods. I did keep some qaza fasts but I don't remember how many. I had the intention to keep all but my health was always weak. Now also, I have excess bleeding and weakness due to which I dont think I can keep fasts. I calculated the missed fasts to be 7×30 years = 210 fasts approximately
1. How much fidya or kaffara do I have to give?
2. Can I give all at once?
3. To whom can I give it? Can I give to Rohingya refugees?
Q: An Imaam performed Fajr Salaah, he recited Surah غاشية. In this Surah he read وجوه يومئذ غاشية instead of خاشعة. Will the Salaah have to be repeated?
The Imaam occasionally gets confused between laam and raa, should he be making Imamat?
Q: If a girl is not staying with her husband without a valid excuse for the last 4 months due to her mothers influence, is their nikah still valid and how long do they have to live apart for their marriage to be invalid?
Q: Agar shohar pe shak ho k us ny apko talaq dy di aur shohar maan na rha ho... Us k sath rehna aur hambistri krna b gunaah ki trah lgy dil na chahy pyar krny ko to kia kry...