Making dua when seeing something
Q: How can I make short duas, like if I see a beautiful car I say "Ya Allah, give me this car, aameen" then I read durood.
Q: How can I make short duas, like if I see a beautiful car I say "Ya Allah, give me this car, aameen" then I read durood.
Q: Can I say aamen in sujood after making dua and after Durood in namaz?
Q: I am a college student. I have to miss 4 hours of lecture for jummah because the mosque is too far away. My college departmanet told me to pray jummah in college. my question is, is it possible to pray jummah in college?
Q: In our Masajids there are two Friday Prayers are being held. And one Iman leads the both Salah in terms of delivering the Khutabas and as well leading the salah. As we understand Juma is only Fard once not twice. Could you please help us to understand whether this is allowed or not, and give us some detail explanations in terms of it's validity. We would like to share your explanations with the local scholars.
Q: What are the rules for forming the saffs for Janaazah Salah?
Q: My marriage is in 10th year. During the first two three years of my marriage, when me and my wife have a heated arguement, in the rage of anger, I asked her to go to her father's house, so that I can get some space to cool my anger. I used different kind of words as "I don't want to see your face", "Go away", "I will not show my face again" and many more words that I don't remember. I don't know how much time this happened, but it happened at least 10 times or more.
Now I came to know about Talaq with kinaya words, I am worried that if my marriage is valid or not. Your answer says that if those words are used in your area. I want to tell you that in my area, only the word "talaq" is used to give talaq.
Also I want to state that my intention was to find some lonely space when I uttered these words. But I doubt that in rage of anger, it is quite possible that I have feelings to get rid of my wife forever.
So, my question is that if a husband does not remembers that if has pronounced kinaya words, will be benefit of doubt will be given to the husband or not? Or, for the sake of "ahtiyat" and "taqwa", should I separate from my wife as I am fearing that if "zina" is taking place between us.
1. Among fasting, Salah, Zakat and Haj, which pillar is most important in order?
2. What if someone does fasting or Haj and don't offer salah during fasting and Haj. Will his fast and Haj be accepted?
3. Are they independent of each other or dependent on one another?
Q: I am staying in a different city as I am working there but I want to know whether I will offer qasr salah if I go to below cities for less than 15 days
1. City A where I was born and don't reside now but I have a home which I gave to rent
2. City B, I have flat there but I don't reside and go once in a month
3.City C, my in laws home.
What should my wife offer here Qasr or full?
Also during Haj we stayed in Makkah for 14 days and on 15th day we left to Mina before Fajr. I offered Qasr Salah but when I came back few mufti's told you were muqeem. I told them once you reach destination from that time you should calculate 15 days. But they mentioned we need to calculate from our home and also even if we stay for one hour of a day we should count it as one full day. Is this correct? But I told them how you can assume one hour as one full day. Is my understanding correct?
Q: In almost every salah I tend to think that I skipped something that I need to do sajda sahw for, but I believe it is not correct everytime. No matter how much I tend to focus and not do sajda sahw, I think that I skipped this out or that. What is the ruling in such a case?
Q: I live in America and it’s winter now and very cold.
My question is after marital relations with husband at night, is it permissible to wash my whole body but not my hair and do tayaamum for the hair? I have very thick hair and I can’t dry my hair fully even with hair dryer. I get a cold at night after washing hair. Can you please advise?