Attending the cremation of one's non-Muslim grandmother

Q: My father is a Hindu! He says he believes in one God but his religion is Hindu. He doesn’t take part in any of the beliefs and he does not attend the temple. The only thing he does is when a death happens he will do what the religion says until the burial.

My dads mother died and she will be cremated next Wednesday. So he will take in part in a few things.

My question is to you please:

1. Am I allowed to keep seeing my dad as I see him regularly?

2. He wants me to attend the ceremony for the cremation and do a speech for him to support him and say a few words on behalf of my grandmother for my dad as I am his first born?

3. If I’m not allowed to do anything would I be able just to attend to be next to him or is it not permissible? He’s asking me just to come to support him and be next to him.

4. My mother and my father divorced when I was young and Alhamdulilah I stayed with my mum and grew up knowing about Islam and I am a Muslim Alhamdulilah. He is my dad and I just want to be there for him but if Islam says no then I can’t argue with that. If you can please let me know I would be very grateful.

Keeping a pair of parrots to keep each other company

Q: I have a pet parrot for years. I take care of his food and environment (cold/hot) but he is alone i.e. no other parrot is with him. I have never clipped his wings. He is very innocent and don't fly properly. I am scared that if I liberate him, other birds or cats may harm him. Can I buy a female parrot for him so that he can enjoy some company. Is it permissible?

Changing one's intention of conveying reward after completing the action


1. I have started reading zikr for my family. I read 100 000 first kalimah for each family member. Is this acceptable and can I change my intention to say that I am reading this zikr for that particular family member and also for every single Muslim from the Hazrat Adam Alaihis Salaam to the last Muslim to to live on earth?

2. Also, is there any related advice that you can give me?

Women working

Q: Are married Muslim women allowed to work? Is it permissible or Islamically incorrect? A lot of Muslim women look down on me and say such negative things when I mention that I’m working. I am in niqaab and do not socialize with any males at work. My husband doesn’t have a problem with it and he allows me as we need the money for the household. Your advise will be appreciated in this regard.