Are non-Muslims also Ummatis of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?
Q: I want to know whether Hindus, Christians and Yahoodis in this time are also Ummatis of our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) or only Muslims are Ummatis.
Q: I want to know whether Hindus, Christians and Yahoodis in this time are also Ummatis of our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) or only Muslims are Ummatis.
Q: I am living in Saudi Arabia. The Kalimah (La ilaha Illallahu Muhammad ur RasoolulAllah) is written on the one riyal note. I want to know if I can take it to the toilet while it is in my pocket or wallet?
Q: A man passed away leaving behind 1 sister, 2 daughters of his deceased brother, 1 daughter of his decseased sister and a few male cousins from his father's brothers. Does the daughters of his desceased brother inherit anything?
Q: Recently I bought a new phone that is designed to be waterproof and it is designed to be such that if it falls from a table it doesn’t break or crack the screen.
A problem, however, is that the designer of the phone placed two steel platters over the phone’s back (I think it is intended to protect the battery and the back of the phone). I know picture making is haraam so I did not take a photo for you to inspect. The two steel platters cross each other and it looks like a cross (two steel platters crossed together, with the upper part of the vertical platter shorter, which is similar to a cross). I personally don’t think the company intended to make a cross shape to appeal people rather the designer probably just thought that this design is either safe or “cool” (it is a Chinese phone company and they are likely not Christians).
Should I return the phone or keep it? Returning it makes me feel a bit guilty as there is no product defect. But keeping it also makes me worried. If I keep how do I destroy the shape (it is made for safety so I don’t know how to remove the platter)?
Q: When a person touches a woman and there is no erection, there is only lust and desire in the heart, so can he marry her daughter?
Q: Is it permissible for a man to remove the hair on his legs?
Q: Between the mother and father, who's right is it to name the child?
Please advise as to how should we choose a name.
Q: My husband keeps on saying and messaging many people and me also that he wants to give me talaq. He is doing this continueously for the last 6 months but didn't say it to me directly. Does it affect our nikaah?
Q: I want to know that what should be the correct timing to pray ishraq prayer? How much time after fajar aazan can we perform it?
Q: After sex, can my wife breastfeed our baby without having ghusl? We live in a joint family and it is difficult for her to take ghusal at night.