Imaam informing the congregation that the salaah has to be repeated

Q: One day I was leading three people in zuhr prayer. In my second last rakaat I felt like something was coming out from my private part. I still continued with the prayer. After I finished I went to the toilet and I found it was mazi. I came back after I washed myself and made wudhu but the people we prayed together with were gone. I don't know where to find them because it was a market where we prayed. I don't know them at all. I then observed the prayer alone again. So what should I do about them?

Dua after Janaazah Salaah

Q: Can you please explain to me the shar’ee ruling regarding making dua after the janaazah salaah? In certain places, after the janaazah salaah is performed, I see people raise their hands and engage in collective dua for the deceased.

Is this practice established in the Hadith? Some people try to prove the practice of collective dua after the janaazah salaah through the following Hadith. Rasulullah (sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam) said,

إذا صليتم على الميت فأخلصوا له الدعاء (سنن أبي داود رقم 3199)

“When you perform janaazah salaah upon any deceased, then sincerely make dua for him.”

Does this Hadith refer to making dua for the deceased after janaazah salaah or does it refer to making dua for the deceased in the janaazah salaah?

Forfeiting one's holiday if it is not taken in a certain time

Q: I am working for a Muslim family in their warehouse for more than 5 years. I have never been on holiday nor been paid for working in the holiday. When I asked them they told me that my 5 year holidays were gone (as per the law in our country). I know that by Allah, no right can be lost.

Note: Over these 5 years I thought I don't have a right of holiday as I work a few hours a week. No one from this family told me that I have a right for holiday. 

Closing the doors and covering food at night

Q: I have a question about sunan actions to do in the evening. I know it is recommended to close the doors saying Bismillah, cover the food and drinks, turn off the fire for example in the stove or in the fireplace, when it falls in the evening.

But I have a practical doubt: doors should be closed BEFORE or AFTER the Maghrib time? And the food and the drinks should be closed BEFORE or AFTER the Maghrib time?

I ask this because on some sites I read conflicting versions, some say before, others later, others still say to do these actions after a portion of the night has passed. Maybe all these versions are right, but I do not know. Please clarify.