Shaikh having a WhatsApp group for females

Q: My question is regarding mixed whatsapp groups.

If such a group is created where there is only females and the shaikh as members. No one talks on the group besides the shaikh who sends Islamic messages and audios (majlis, dhikr, etc). There is no informal discussion not even formal ones with question and answer etc. It's just messages being sent by one person. Will it then be permissible to be a member of it? So far I thought mixed group are not jaaiz but maybe there are some permissibility that I am unaware of.

Cornea transplant


1. Is it permissible to undergo a cornea transplant? The cornea may be from a recently deceased registered tissue donor, or it could also be artificial.

2. If an artificial cornea isn't suitable/compatible and/or cannot be used, will it then be permissible to use from a donor?

Believing that women will have less in Jannah

Q: I get so many negative thoughts in my mind about Allah. When I see how my husband is attracted towards other girls and some girls in public also getting attracted towards him, I feel it's not his fault and that is how Allah has created men. I feel hurt when he gets attracted towards other girls and acting weirdly with them. I know Allah has created men like this. Even if I am the best wife towards him he will still be attracted towards others and he has the right to marry another woman. Even if we have the best relationship it is not a bad thing if he marries another. Allah has given men this right and didn't care about how we will feel.

How cruel is this that in this world we women have to suffer this much for men's behavior and we are reading in Quran and hadith that our reward in jannah is less than men. They are going to have many other women and we will not feel bad about this. Allah has made women depended on these creatures which are called "men". I can logically convince my mind this is what Allah's hiqmah is. He is the all knower and He doesn't oppress anyone but my love for Allah diminishes. I cannot force myself to love Allah. So my prayers are empty.

I feel like it's inhuman to a woman, allowing men to have physical relation with their slave girls, having more than one wife and after all these hardships we will get less than men in jannah. I don't want to loose my iman and I don't know if these things are making me kafir or not. I just have to speak my heart out and I don't want to loose iman. This is why I am writing to you. 

Reciting Surah Faatihah behind the imaam

Q: My question is regarding the method of jamaat namaz:

1. If someone is offering namaaz with jamaat, should he be required to recite “Surah-fatiha” and a surah after that if the imam is reciting it?

2. Now in the case of Zuhr and Asr prayers (when imam is not reciting loudly Surah fatiha and Surah) do the people have to recite it or should they simply stand quiet?

3. In the last 2 rakats of a farz namaaz, I know that surahs are not recited after surah fatiha, I just want to confirm this from you?

4. If I join the jamaat in the rukooh of the first rakaat, I don’t need to repeat the 1st rakaat (this is what I understand); now when will I recite the thana “subhanakaALLAH...” ?

Clean shaven Qaaris

Q: The norm today is to employ famous clean shaven Qaaris to entertain the crowds. Some Ulamaa say the idea is to promote and encourage the youth to learn and recite the Quraan. Is it permissible?

Is it permissible to allow photo's and videos to be taken in the Masjid while the Qaari is reciting. Shouldn't this entertainment be conducted at other venues and not in the Masaajid. This will prevent disrespecting the sanctity of the Masjid.