Going to one's brother for cupping
Q: My wife needs to do hijama (cupping) and her brother is doing hijama treatment. Can she do hijama by her brother? Is this allowed in Islam?
Q: My wife needs to do hijama (cupping) and her brother is doing hijama treatment. Can she do hijama by her brother? Is this allowed in Islam?
Q: My husband and I have been trying to conceive for the past many years. Unfortunately my womb was damaged during a previous c-section, and I have endometriosis. Would it be permissible for us to receive fertility treatment? Our doctor has recommended having an iui (intra-uterine insemination) using my husband's sperm.
Q: This may sound bizzare but it's something someone actually told me. He says if a person owns a business, it would be a much more feasible to get jinnaat to work in the form of human staff. As crazy as it sounds, it's an interesting idea. What is the Sharia opinion on this?
Q: What is the masala regarding Zakaat on gold coins?
Q: I wanted to know if it's permissible for one who's doing hifz to learn after asr right till maghrib sets in, as someone told me quite a few times that it's bad and not advisable.
Q: I want to ask about gheebat, is it a major sin in Islam as well as telling lies? If someone is cheating others and I know that he is a cheater and if someone ask me about him, what should I do? Should I make gheebat and tell them that he is a cheater or should I tell a lie?
Q: I have recently started alimah classes and am halfway through with my hifz. Alhamdulillah, due to the Deeni knowledge that I have been exposed to, I have become more conscious of Allah and I began to worry that my imaan was too weak. I want to strengthen my Imaan.
There are two main things that I am doing that worry me. I watch tv and read a lot of romance novels. I have tried, but I can't stop both at once.
Can Mufti Saheb inform me of which is worse, so that I can concentrate on that first?
1. Is there equality in marriage between a Gujarati boy and a Pashtun girl?
2. Is there equality in lineage between Gujaratis and Pashtuns?
Q: My father passed away in Pakistan 8 years ago. He left 1 widow, 2 sons, 4 daughter and a property in the UK and Pakistan. 2 sons were from his 1 marriage.
Our mother passed away when we were very little. Our father married again when I, the eldest son was 8 years old. As per UK law everything goes to the legal wife after the death of a spouse.
After my fathers death I have requested for my share as everyone is enjoying my late fathers wealth. Can the stepmother who is holding on to everything exclude me from my right? As all others have ganged up on me.
Q: If in salaah I did not recite a surah in the 3rd rakaat of the 4 Sunnah, do I make an extra rakaat as qadah?