Posting translations of the verses of the Qur'an on Instagram

Q: I have a question regarding editing the Quran for videos. I have started an Islamic Instagram page and In Sha Allah I will be posting Islamic content on that page, including verses of the Quran. A couple of days ago, I edited a video in which I used ayah 19, 20 and 21 of Surah Al-Baqarah. However, I figured out that the previous ayah connects with ayat 19-21. But if I would use these ayat too, my video would be too long. Is it haram if I leave out these ayat and just make a video with verses 19, 20 and 21?

Renting out a house to a Hindu

Q: We have given a portion of our house on rent as it is very big and very difficult to clean and maintain. Our tenant, who is a Hindu, does his prayers according to his beliefs. I want to know whether it is permissible or not as the building is the same but the portion on rent is totally separate.

Doubting whether one was in a state of haidh while performing umrah and hajj

Q: My concern is as follows:

Alhamdullillah, Allah Ta'ala has granted me the opportunity on several occasions to perform Umrah, as well as the opportunity of Hajj. The problem is, I have a problem with my haidh. I have an issue with stained discharge. At the time when I performed Umrah and Hajj, I was unaware of the fact that the discharge was in fact haidh. Hence I performed ghusl early, and very likely spotted after. It is very rare that I do not spot. There is a very high possibility that when I performed my Umrah, and Hajj, I required ghusl. Hence I would have performed all fard, wajib and nafl tawaaf in a state of impurity. Are the Umrah, and Hajj valid? Is any damm required from my side?