Forced marriage

Q: I was forced to marry a person whom I did not like. I told my mother many times that I dont want to marry this person but my family was not willing to call off the marriage. One night before the nikah I consumed sleeping pills with intention of commuting suicide (Astagfirulkah). The next day I was under the influence of medicine and I don’t remember anything. During my subconscious state my nikah was done with the boy. I was not in my complete senses. I informed my husband about the suicidal step that I have taken and that I don’t want to live with him. Is this Nikah valid as my consent was not given in complete consciousness.

Attending Hindu festivals

Q: In India there are many festivals of false gods. Everywhere people celebrate it. In the IT Company that I work in people also celebrate these festivals. The company makes one entertainment program in which they say to the employees to come the next day with constumes. Then they worship false gods and dance in that program.

Many Muslim people, mostly girls, get involved in that. They wear clothes like the non Muslims. I tell them not to get involved in that, they tell "we are just going to have fun. We are not going to worship any false gods." Are they doing shirk?

Skipping a surah in salaah


1. Can we skip surahs in between in salah? If not, for which salah (fardh or sunnat) can we skip surahs. Example, can I read Surah “Al-Kafirun” then skip Surah “An-Nasr” then recite Surah “Al-Masad” in first and second rakat.

2. How many surah's can we skip in between in Salah?


Q: Is it kufr to backbite a Muslim to a non Muslim? Also is it kufr to complaint against a Muslim to a non Muslim if he has harmed you for the purpose of correcting him so that he doesn’t do the same mistake again?