First wife wants husband to choose between his two wives
Q: A relatives husband took another wife without her knowing. She told him to choose and if he wants her then he must leave the other wife. Please guide.
Q: A relatives husband took another wife without her knowing. She told him to choose and if he wants her then he must leave the other wife. Please guide.
Q: Allah is known as "eel" in a language but in English it looks funny. If I laughed at it, is it kufr? I know we should avoid it, but if done is it kufr?
Q: I work in sheltered housing for the elderly. A resident passed away and I found in cash 19,140 pounds. If I wanted, I could have kept the money but I gave it to the authorities so he can have a funeral and pay his debts and the rest can go to his family. I am need of money, like 4,000 pounds but I still did not take the money. Some relatives and work colleagues are calling me an idiot, as he was dead and a non Muslim and I need the money. Plus they saying that it would not be a sin but my heart is at peace. I want to know if what I did was right?
Q: I’m in a deep and serious problem with which I need some guidance. I’m in a deep debt, owing few private individuals money and I’m owing the bank also. I’ve realized the evil of riba and sincerely made and continue making taubah and asking Allah to for help to come out of debt.
Currently I’m paying little here and there just so that I pay the monthly installments as not to get into problems. Now the main concern is the private individuals are putting pressure that they need their money and I’m unable to pay them.
My question is:
Can I take another loan from the bank (as it is I am already in riba owing the bank) to pay the private individuals so that I will have only 1 debt after that and I can concentrate nicely and try as quick as possible to pay that amount off.
The way it is, paying little all over is not helping, it’s been carrying on like this for the past 2 years already and the loan is not coming down.
Q: How did Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) cut his nails?
Q: I am a woman who has severe acne on her scalp. This has been causing me extreme distress, especially with regards to purity and showering. The pimples on my head are infectious and filled with pus. They pop all the time and when they pop they release pus/blood/liquid for usually two-three days (this is called "weeping", common for acne pimples). It is almost impossible to catch a time when there are no "weeping" pimples on my head. The only time I get to wash/shampoo my hair is when it is fardh for me to make ghusl (usually once/twice a month). I am afraid to wash my head otherwise because that would only spread the impurity coming out of the pimples all over my body. However, it is becoming extremely difficult not to wash my hair.
My hair is long and my scalp becomes very oily quickly and it makes me feel disgusted. Not washing it often seems to be worsening my acne, as well as making my head itch like crazy (and itching it just pops more pimples). There doesn't seem to be any effective medical solution for scalp acne, I've tried a couple things but none of them worked. This situation is really stressing me out. Can I just shower whenever I want to even if the pimples on my head are releasing impurity? What do I do about the impurity going all over the rest of my body?
Q: What to do if my friend invited me to his house for meals but his income is haram?
Q: I was wondering about the last verses of Surah Nas. "Who whispers in the hearts of mankind. From the jinn and mankind."
Does this mean that even mankind can put wasaawis into my heart? If so, how do they do it?
Q: I have a question about the Sahabi who only did the bare minimum and didn't do too many optional acts. When another Sahabi stayed at his house for 3 days he didn't notice anything special that he was doing. Despite this, Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said he was a jannati. Other Sahaba always followed the azeemat and took the more difficult path. So, as a general rule, should I take the easy path or the hard path when I have to make a decision?
Q: Is it sunnah to perform ghusl on Friday for women as well (women not going to go to the Friday prayer)?
If it is not, then does it make a difference whether a women does ghusl on Friday or not? Some people are afraid that if women stop doing ghusl on that day, then the tradition of doing so will eventually come to a halt.