Packing napaak clothes in one's luggage

Q: I was away on holiday and some of my clothes got napaak, once the clothes were dry I packed it in a plastic bag and then in my luggage. When I arrived home and unpacked my bag I noticed that most of my clothes were damp, the outside of the plastic bag didn't however seem to be wet (but I can't be 100% sure as it isn't easy to tell). I am not sure what happened at the airline that may have caused the clothes to get damp. My question is whether this makes my bags napaak and everything else that was in it


Q: Kindly inform us regarding the distribution of inheritance based on the following. Deceased left wife, mother, infant daughter and a sister.

Getting one's makeup done before the wedding

Q: What is the ruling for a woman who is forced to do makeup at  a beauty parlor on her wedding day? The halal status of the makeup used at the beauty parlor is not known and the esha prayers will have to be offered with that makeup since people at the parlor do the makeup quite early. Should a woman accept the request of her in-laws to go to the beauty parlor for her makeup or should she argue against it?

Spotting before the 15th day of tuhr

Q: For many months I have been spotting every month before 15 days finished. As such I was counting the beginning of my haidh from 15 days. But the spotting continued for the first few days sometimes upto 4/6 days into my haidh. Then only would the bleeding properly start but would thereafter finish after 10 days. So the few days I ws bleeding after 10 days I was counting as it as istihaadha. This continued for about 6 months.

Then I had 2 regular haidh cycles (without spotting in between and remaining within 10 days). Then the problem began again for the last 3-4 months. This current haidh I have been spotting since the 8th day of tuhr. After 15 days the spotting, I kept starting and stopping in bigger patches but the flow did not start. On the 10th day the blood flow began properly and I started having a normal haidh period. I had ghusl on the same day and began salaah even though I am still bleeding heavily.

Questions: How should I calculate my haidh? Which days will be haidh and which will be istihaadhah?

If a similar thing happens again or happens often how should I calculateit ?

Is there any amal I can do that can help regulate my haidh?