Minimum mahar
Q: What is the minimum mahar in pounds?
Q: What is the minimum mahar in pounds?
Q: Qatar made a movie named as Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) series. There is nothing odd in the movie. The movie is based on Islamic history. There are characters of Sahaabah (radhiyallahu anhum). Is it right to watch the movie or not?
Q: Is it permissible for a female to pierce her tragus?
Q: I read somewhere that the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam at some occasions used harsh words to people. It was written that he would impugn then. Is the definition of impugn which is meant in the ahadith ‘to cause people to doubt someone's character, qualities, or reputation by criticizing them’. Also when we say harsh words, what was the manner of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam in that case? Did he say the words in an angry tone?
Q: We are going for Umrah. What will be the method to pray there... Can I Pray complete namaz or we can pray qasar namaz during our staying there?
Q: Some airlines, while making reservations, offer the option of paying additional charges to make a non-refundable and non-changeable ticket become a refundable and changeable ticket. Is this extra payment permissible?
Q: Please tell me the proper method for disposal of Allah’s and Prophets’ names.
Also is it permissible to give such pages for recycling? Also can we throw them out after blacking the names out with a marker?
Q: Are people from Hazrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu)'s family present in today's times?
Q: When I read about Allah’s attributes, especially Face, Hand, Laughter etc, I think/speak what I think it means. Then I think what if I did anthropomorphism. I immediately get scared and say Ya Allah if I did kufr then please forgive me and say kalimah. If my interpretation is true, will I have committed kufr for thinking of it as kufr?
Q: Allah Almighty has blessed me and I have become a doctor. I am so happy and I have worked so hard for it and Allah has blessed me, so I would like to tell everyone that I have become a doctor and be proud about it and receive congratulations. Should I be humble and not tell anyone or there is no wrong in doing what I am doing? I dont want my Allah to be sad with me.