Taking a picture of a person without the head
Q: Is it permissible to take a picture of yourself but exclude your face from the picture?
Q: Is it permissible to take a picture of yourself but exclude your face from the picture?
Q: Are non-Muslims ummati's or not? If not then who are they?
Q: Is it true that in Islam sleeping or lying on the stomach is prohibited?
Q: Can I name my son "Muhammad Ahad"? I really like this name but somebody said that you can't use this name as it's one of the attributes of Allah Ta'ala.
Q: Is it acceptable to raise ones hands in dua immediately after salah?
Q: I wanted to know that if this Hadith talks about every kind of evil unwanted thoughts that come into mind and a person resists it or just related to religion?
Narrates Abdullah bin Abbas that, once, a person came to the Prophet and said, “Sometimes such wicked ideas come to my mind that I would prefer to be burnt down and reduced to charcoal than to give utterance to them.” The Prophet replied, “Praise be to Allah who turned back the matter towards thought sentiment.”
Q: If urine on the floor is wiped with a wet cloth two times, but the traces of water and some dust is still there, will the floor be considered paak after drying?
Q: I would like to know if it is permissible for a woman to read the manzil during haidh?
1. Kindly advise which dua is correct:
a. اللهم انت مقصودي و رضاك مطلوبي Or
b. اللهم انت مطلوبي و رضاك مقصودي
2. In the above mentioned dua; should one say رضاك or رضائك?
Q: My question is that telling truth is more important or hiding someones sins (faults)?