Selling wigs

Q: Is it allowed to sell human hair as wigs as well as plastic hair as wigs which is sold in cosmetic shops. I understand that there is some fatwa regarding it but to my understanding the Hadith states that we cannot sell it or wear it. Please clarify the matter.

Iddat after a forced marriage

Q: At age of 12, a girl's nikah was performed with her relative against her will as she was not wise. She did not accept him as her husbend. After 4 years, her mother sent her to her husband's house but at first night they had a conflict. She told her husband not to touch her. After 2 days she came back to her parents and lived there for 5 months. Then she got a divorce from her husband. Now the question is, does that girl have to sit for iddat before marrying another person or can she marry without sitting for iddat?

Performing one qurbaani for the whole family


1. Is one qurbani valid for whole family living under one roof?

2. I have heard that qurbani is wajib but I have seen many aalim's videos who say qurbani is Sunnat-e-Ebrahimi. So if a person does not do it, its not a sin as its a sunnah act, is it true?

3. I do not earn and I am dependent on my father but I did have some savings, was qurbani wajib on me though I gave that money to my mother 3 days before eid as I feared sin. 

Sister wishing to go for umrah while one is saving money for hajj

Q: I have been saving an amount for the purpose of Hajj (for me and my wife). Suddenly I have been asked by my elder sister to go for Umrah because she does not have any other mehram. Knowing Hajj is Farz while Umrah is Nafil, is it permissible for me to perform Umrah before Hajj with the amount I had saved. (My sister has already performed Hajj once with my father in the past but I have not).

Baseless narration about dua to read on Aashuraa

Q: Hazrat Zain-ul-Abideen (R.A) narrates that whosoever recites or listens to the recitation of the following dua anytime between sunrise and sunset on the day of 'Ashura, then it shall act as a guarantee for his life the following year and he shall not encounter death. If he was to experience death that year then he shall not be capable in reciting this dua by coincidence. My question is, is this narration authentic. The barelvi part of my family insists on its importance.

Standing for long periods at the mubaarak grave of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

Q: In Madinah, when standing to give salam to the Nabi ﷺ at his blessed grave, the guards usually tell you to move away after a short while. Therefore you are not able to convey salams on behalf of all people who have asked you to do so. What some people do is that they despite being told off by the guards secretly stay longer until the guards physically push them away. Is it permissible to do so, given that you are certain that you do not cause harm and do not disrupt the flow of people by staying longer? Or is it necessary to immediately obey the command of the guards to move?

Husband sending the wife government divorce notice form

Q: My husband sent ‘divorce notice form’ according to Bangladeshi Govt divorce form but his intention was to frighten and correct me . In that form he had to give right mark to ‘talaq e bain’ as there is no option there. Within one month a family meeting is occurred and we lived again as husband-wife. As Bangladeshi divorce rule, if husband take wife before 90 days, they can live as spouse.Now the question is according to Sharii, is it valid to live? If it is not valid, what should we do?