Cancelling accommodation

Q: I currently live in a hostel. I talked to another hostel owner to book a room. He kept a room for me for over 4 days and he denied other people who wanted that room. Now in the morning, the current hostel warden showed me another room with fewer charges and I decided to stay in the current hostel and not to shift. Now, if I stay, did I go against my word (wada khilafi)? I am feeling extremely guilty and I am starting to worry about my beliefs because of the backing out. Can I just say sorry and give some fine?

Disobeying the husband

Q: Are women like slaves of their husband in Islam? I have come across some writings where some quotations were mentioned supporting this. One quotation was on Umar (radhiyallahu anhu). It was something that women are like slaves of their husbands. So be careful whom you are giving your daugter to as a slave. Is it true?

In many places I have read that the hoors are getting angry on a wife who is upsetting the husband or disobeying him and they curse the wife. Are these all true? Are all women born slaves of men? 

Bank dropping off service fees if a certain amount is kept in one's account

Q: I have opened an account in a bank and it offers a free ATM card. One of the features is that if you keep Rs. 25000 in your account then whenever the amount falls below 25k, a certain amount gets deducted on each transaction u make in that month in which the total balance was below 25k. Is it permissible to use such a bank account ?

It is not a saving account but free services like ATM, bankers cheque, sms banking are provided if a certain amount i.e. Rs. 25000.