Book on women's salaah
Q: Can you give me book on womens salah? How to perform it perfectly?
Q: Can you give me book on womens salah? How to perform it perfectly?
Q: How to attain khushoo and khudhoo permanently in salaah despite having doubts all the time?
Q: Is it necessary for women with excess facial hair to not remove them in the first ten days of zul hijjah until their qurbani has taken place?
Q: My family has a “tradition” of colouring our sheep each year, usually with food colouring to make it look bright and colourful. Our intention is to beautify and decorate it as it’s for Allah, and it’s also a way to get closer to and form a bond with the sheep as we touch it and hold it etc. Is there any harm to this?
Q: My wife is demanding to go and stay in her sister's house who is also married for 4 days during my absence due to work. I don't like her sister at all so I refused. What is the Islamic opinion? Furthermore I would personally take her to her sister's house to meet for 1 or 2 hours when I have time.
Q: Is it permissible to perform one’s personal obligatory Qurbani, and intend with it donating the reward to the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) or some other deceased individual?
Q: What are the beliefs of the Ahlus Sunnah regarding the attributes of Allah Ta'ala? Are all the sifaat of Allah Ta'ala infinite?
Q: I find a lot of jealousy in my heart and I do things for show. If I see someone excelling, I feel bad in my heart and I wish bad for the person. Please guide me.
Q: Is it correct to say that guidance is actually from Allah Ta'ala alone, and that when the Prophets gave us guidance, they themselves did not guide us, but it is Allah Ta'ala who guided us? Also, is it mentioned in the Quran that Allah Ta'ala told the Holy Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wasallam), "It is not you who guides them, it is Allah who guides"?
Q: Can we eat alligators?