Respect for the Ambiyaa (alayhimus salaam)

Q: Nabi Aadam (alaihis salaam) was in heaven and becuase he disobeyed Allah he was thrown out of heaven. Now my question is that the father did a mistake and Allah is punishing the children who had nothing to do with the father's mistake. According to me Allah should have kept each and everyone in heaven first and tell them not to repeat the mistake which Aadam (alaihis salaam) did. If someone does the mistake then he should be thrown out.

Girls madrasah encouraging girls to wear tight fighting clothes for exercises

Q: My daughter is attending an Islamic Muslims girls Madrasah. After complaints from some parents that the girls are picking up weight and not very fit, they started exercise for the girls. We generally encourage our daughters not to wear tight fitting clothing, and clothing that kufaar wear, but they are forced to wear these types of clothing for their exercises. After asr and before maghrib on Fridays, we generally encourage our family members to engage in dua and ibaadat, but they use this time also for exercise. Kindly advise if this is correct? Also advise what should we as concerned parents do.

Blaming Allah Ta'ala for one's problems

Q: I am a 22 year old female. I have lost the desire to live. I don't like doing anything. I blame my fate for the circumstances I am in. I wanna die. I have got so many problems in my life that I hate it. My prayers are not being answered. I am losing my faith because I believe that Allah has written my fate this way. He wansts me to suffer. I am helpless. Kindly tell me what to do in these circumstances.

Keeping relations with a family member who turned away from Islam

Q: My sister in law has converted to the Hindu religion by marrying a Hindu boy. She is living in a Hindu family and following Hindu rituals. I know it is a great sin to leave Islam, but my mother in law and brother in laws are not breaking their relationship with her. Due to this she usually comes home to meet them. In this case what should I do? Is it permissible to keep relations with this type of a person?

Eating fruits with larvae

Q: Sometimes when we open plums (fruits), there are larvae. Is it permissible to eat these plums if we remove the larvae? Sometimes the larvae has left small balls of feces which are stuck to the plum and difficult to remove. Do we have to throw away these plums?