Leaving edible items open at night
Q: In respect of leaving something open overnight (without covering it), what is this confined to? Is it food only, or tablets also, or all edible items.
Q: In respect of leaving something open overnight (without covering it), what is this confined to? Is it food only, or tablets also, or all edible items.
Q: I pass the meeqat without wearing ihram, so in this case do I have to give one Dam. Is it possible to feed some poor perosn or can I fast instead of giving damm.
Q: When making mu'aanaqah, should one put his head to the right or left? Some people go to the left and some go to the right sometimes causes a head bump.
Q: When making Dua should we say Insha'Allah when begging Allah for our needs.
Q: Authenticity of reading Durood e Tunjeena in abundance for any problems or need.
Q: Whats the significance of reading Surah Yaseen with the 7 Mubeens. Is it authentic?
Q: Dua ganjul arsh ki fazilat kya hai?
Q: When I recite Quraan, whether looking inside or not, if I dont know the correct pronunciation of a word or I don't know what the next word is, I guess what it is and continue in that way. I feel lazy to check the correct word or its pronunciation even though I have a Qur'an near me.
Also, sometimes when I read Qur'an while looking inside, I guess the next ayah or the continuation of same ayah because I feel that I know it or I have heard or read a similar ayah somewhere. I don't read a word wrong while knowing the correct pronunciation.
Is this the same case as adding or removing a word or letter?
Q: I will inshAllah be visiting the Prophet's ﷺ grave in Madinah and convey salams to him from different people. Can I also convey salams to him from people who have not asked me to do so?
Q: I have a female cat. Many people told me, including my cat doctor to get her spayed (spayed is a surgery to remove female cat uterus and ovaries to prevent her giving birth). My cat doctor told me spayed has many benefits (including health benefits because many female cat got cancerous cells after giving birth to lots of kitten and also less population so kittens cant roam homeless and starve on street also female cat will have less risk to get lost or injured in a traffic accident in searching of a mate which is because female cat dont go on a heat after spayed). My question is! Does Islam allow us to do female cat spayed? Is that haram?