Making a mistake in tashahhud and repeating an aayah of Surah Faatihah in salaah

Q: I have few questions regarding my doubts and sajdah-e-sahw

1. If I performed sajdah e sahw already and then I recited attahiyaat again and committed mistake in the second part of the shahada i.e. (wa ash hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasooluh) but not corrected and go to durood shareef and while reciting durood remember that I committed mistake in shahada so I just recited the second part of the shahada again and then recited the durood again, is it permissible to recite the mistaken part only or do I have to recite the full shahada again once I reach durood shareef ?

2. If I repeat any ayat of Surah Faatiha, not the full surah or any part of attahiyaat and not the full attahiyaat, does sajda e sahw become wajib or not?

Marrying a Christian

Q: I've been working in corporate company for a few years, and have met a girl there. We both really like each other. She however, isn't Muslim. She's a Christian. She really has a great relationship with God. But, she doesn't have intention of converting - even though she's considered it a number of times.

Her ideal way of raising our children up would be to teach them both religions, and focus on their similarities. I will also always put Islam first, but, if this is allowed, I really don't want to let go of this girl. We really get along well, she's intellectual, she's a few years younger than I am, and we both love talking about religion and life in general. Similar interests. Please advise me as to what to do.

Keeping dogs

Q: Is it permissible to keep a dog outside the house and take care of it? Also, if one keeps puppies with the intention of looking after them, will one be sinful? 

Kaffarah for breaking an oath

Q: I'm trying to remember if an oath I made in the past contained multiple parts or just one part. What I remember is that I said to Allah, "I promise or wallahi, I will not do this sin again" (I did commit the sin recently, and I made the kafara already).

However, I think I may have said in the same oath: Protect me Allah, and wallahi I will not do this sin again (1) not not do a different sin (2) and not do the other sin (3))

If all 3 sins may have been mentioned in the same oath, would I have to make 3 different kaffaras ? Or just making the one kaffarah for all 3 is enough?

I made the intetion at the time for the kaffarah to cover the one thing in my mind and whatever else I may have forgot... I dont remember if I made the oath including the 3 sins or not, but I do remmber making an oath about the one sin specifically. I made these oaths when I was making tawbah to Allah when I was in a very emotional state.

Seeking advice from many people

Q: As an inexperienced youngster, if I need advice regarding something, not a fiqh aspect and nothing to do with halaal and haraam, but just personal advice that I wish to seek from elders... preferably people with deeni knowledge, can I send an email to more than one Mufti or Moulana that I trust? Not to cause differences or confusion amongst people but just simply to understand the different wisdoms and advices that each one can give that could potentially greatly benefit me.