Husband demanding wife to work

Q: My husband has recently demanded that I start working, as he feels that I need to be independent. Before, when I was working, he wanted me to stop as he felt that I was slacking in my marital duties.

Also, when I was working, he expected me to buy all the household appliances and furniture and groceries because my salary was more than his. However, since I have not been working he has still insisted that I contribute my savings to the monthly bills. He gives me a nafaqah amount that is less than half of what he wants me to spend every month. I'm at a loss as he refuses to listen to reason because in his eyes he gives me nafaqah so he's not in the wrong at all. What can I do?

Does saying "we are done" constitute talaaq?

Q: If one tells his wife we are done 2 times is the nikkah still valid? We were not discussing divorce and it was said because she was ignoring me. I said it more out of anger but i know she has a good heart.

She is a new muslim so she is still learning. However later on i found out it was because someone in her family was forcing her to do that in order to ruin our relationship. I have never said the words "I am divorcing you to her" and my intention has always been to help her understand deen. She motivated me to become a better muslim. When i got a nikkah i didn't have a beard. Now i have one and also am a student. Is our nikkah still valid?

Performing tamaatu hajj if umrah was done in the months of hajj

Q: I have performed Umrah recently on 13 Zul Qadah. Reason was that I had to stay in Jeddah and leave for HAJJ on 7 zul hajj from Jeddah. I was told to perform umrah then go to jeddah as I was coming from taif. Now, can I perform niyyah of ifrad or tamattu?

If I perform Ifrad, must I do qurbaani? If so, will it be considered as wajib or sunnah?

I am staying in Jeddah for 3 weeks but my desire is to perform Ifrad hajj as in Ifrad it's sunnah and person of Ifrad is free to go for tawaf ziyaarah after rami and qasr. I prefer Ifrad but umrah in shawwal & zulqadah am I obliged for tamattu or niyyah counts?

Performing Salaah behind a Salafi Imaam

Q: Please give us guidance on the following:

1. We hear that Salafi’s don’t follow any Mazhab. Does this mean they are on the wrong path?

2. Will it be permissible to perform Salaah behind a Salafi Imaam and will the Salaah be in order?

3. Are the Saudi Imaam’s Salafi’s?

4. Does being a Salafi affect your belief’s, Imaan, fasting, haj, etc.?

Your comments will be appreciated.