Marrying a girl one committed zina with
Q: I have committed zina many times and I am going to get married to the same girl with whom I have done zina, is it gunahand will I get punished for this?
Q: I have committed zina many times and I am going to get married to the same girl with whom I have done zina, is it gunahand will I get punished for this?
Q: There are some short link websites which pay us. On one website, for example, we can short link any video, so when we send that short link to someone and he opens it, he will first watch an advertisement then he will be redirected to the real video link. These ads contain pictures. Is this type of earning halaal or haraam?
Q: Does a mother-in-law have a right over the son’s jewellery given to him from his wife’s parents on their marriage?
And does a wife have any rights over her husbands jewellery that her parents had only given? The mother-in-law has a lot of gold but also takes her daughter-in-laws gifts? Is it Islamically correct?
Q: I married my wife and didn't have intercourse with her for 4 months, do I have to marry her again?
Q: I would like to name my baby daughter "Irhaa Maalika ارهاع مالكا. I would like to know the meaning of Irhaa and which Quranic surah and aayat explained its meaning. Also, I would like to know if it is permissible to give that name with Maalika.
1. When I make wudhu, water splashes on my thighs and my pants becomes wet. So when I pray, while in the sitting position, the skin from my thighs become somewhat visible because I wear white pants. Is my prayer valid?
2. When I pray, the wind from the fan hits my clothes and the shape of my private part is visible. Also, when some people go into sajdah while wearing pants, the shape of their testes are seen, is the prayer valid?
Q: If I get some impurity on my clothes then I don't wash it according Islamic law i.e. the cloth is washed 3 times and squeezed with full strength the last time. Instead I wash it until I feel it is clean. I find it more easier and better than the Islamic way. Is this kufr?
Q: Can you tell me good zikr for my forefathers and for my parents, something I can do in this world so they may get good place in the Aakhirah.
Q: I was married and sometime ago I have done a 2nd nikkah to another lady while my 1st wife was still in my nikkah. Before the 2nd nikkah my 1st wife took an oath on Quran from both of us, me and my 2nd wife that we will not have any sexual relation until she allows us. Now it is almost 1 year that has passed but she is still not willing to allow us. Is there anyway we can get rid of this oath? Please help us as we both husband and wife are too scared to break our oath which was done on Quraan.
Q: I have got a mobile for myself and my wife on credit. Unfortunately I didnt do timely payments and also paid some interest on it. I know its a major sin but I just wanted to ask that the usage of the mobiles which I bought for myself and my wife is haram or halal?