Spotting in the haidh period

Q: My haiz cycle is normally 9-10 days. However my last haiz cycle before Ramadhaan was 7 days complete. During Ramadhaan my haiz stopped on the 8th day and after ghusl I continued my salaah. Then it started again after 3/4 salaah times. This continued till the 10th day. Always there will be hours of no haiz. I kept making ghusl as I did not wish to make my salaah qaza. On the morning of the 10th day I again made ghusl as I was clean the whole night. However 2 hours later I saw a small blood dot (smaller than a mustard seed). Honestly I was tired at this point and ignored it. The rest of the day was clear and the 240 hours complete. Now thinking back I am not sure I made the right decision to ignore it. Was I wrong? What do I do? And what of my salaah and fasts. 

Distributing an estate according to an unislamic will

Q: My mother passed away not long ago (my father died 20 years ago) and she left a will that her home was to be sold and the proceeds shared equally amongst us 4 siblings - 2 brothers and 2 sisters. However, one of my brothers said he is entitled to twice the share of us sisters (other brother agrees to equal shares). I asked my local imam and he said that if a will was not made then Islamic law would be put into effect but my mum was in sound mind when she made the will and there is no problem with sharing it equally amongst us. Is this correct?

Reciting an aayah incorrectly in salaah


1. If an Imaam recited an aayah of Surah Naba incorrectly in the fardh of Esha i.e. instead of reciting لاَ يَتَكَلَّمُونَ إلّٰا مَنْ أَذِنَ لَهُ الرَّحْمٰنُ, he recited لاَ يَتَكَلَّمُونَ مَنْ أَذِنَ لَهُ الرَّحْمٰنُwill the salaah break?

2. If the salaah breaks, then if among the muqtadis there was a person who was a musaafir, should the musaafir muqtadi repeat four rakaats or two rakaats?

3. If the mistake was in Esha salaah and the Esha has to be repeated, then will a person who has performed witr after the esha salaah have to repeat the witr salaah as well? 

Selling animals to an abattoir that pays according to the weight of the animal after slaughter

Q: Is it permissible for a Muslim farmer to sell his animals to an abattoir that will pay him only after they slaughter and skin etc.? Nowadays, most abattoirs first slaughter the animal. They then grade the meat and accordingly pay the price on the hook. The price per kg is fixed e.g. A grade R40/kg, B grade R30/kg, C grade R20/kg. Is this sale permissible due to the price of the animal being unknown at the time of the sale? Will the ruling change if both parties are willing and agree, and generally this doesn’t lead to any problems as this has become the norm in dealing with abattoirs? If not, is there a way to make the sale valid such as the farmer making the abattoir his representative or leaving the animals by the abattoir and making them responsible without concluding the sale? How would it work out in the situation where the abattoir is non-Muslim owned?

Women wearing attractive clothing when leaving the home

Q: Is it permissible for women to wear Cardigans over their abayas. These cardigans have floral designs? I told my wife that this is not allowed because its attractive. She said some of her teachers in the Madrasah said it is permissible. I have increased my Mujahada and Duaa in trying to reform my wife. But these Scholars now a days cut off my legs. Mufti Saab say my wife is insisting in wearing these floral cardigans which are attractive in nature with her abaya and stuff and I say no to her she listens but then she gets upset and nags with me. She will remain sad the whole day. Should I not give in? I want to deal with her in kindness but not at the cost of breaking the commands of Allah Ta'ala. Please explain to me in detail. 

Marrying a Jinn

Q: If a human and a genie have offspring, would it be considered a human or a jinn? How would that child be treated in the Aakhirat, as a human or jinn? If that child is born like a human and lives a life like humans only, but the parents are mixed (father is human and mother is a genie). If such offspring’s fall in love with humans are Muslim men/women allowed to marry such offspring who are a mix and living as human beings only and following Islam like every other human? Will this marriage be considerable by Allah and shariah? Is this marriage punishable in afterlife?