Giving zakaat to organisations

Q: Could Moulana please assist with the following regarding Islamic organizations collecting zakaat:

1. Are we (the committee) the wakeels of the donor or the recipient?

2. If we become the wakeels of the recipients, will the zakaat of the donors be discharged as soon as they hand over to any member of the committee?

3. In the case of na baaligh children who are a legible to receive zakaat, who is their wakeel/guardian? Can it be a member of the committee since these kids generally have non Muslim parents. (They attend madrasah in the locations but most of them are the only Muslims in their homes).

4. Any other advice or guidance will be much appreciated.

Celebrating moulood

Q: What if I do not celebrate the mawlid but my mother and father celebrate the mawlid. Also my father is a sufi but I only follow Allah and his Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). People from the sufi masjid label me as a wahabi or a salafi. What should I do? They say I don’t love the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) if I do not celebrate his birthday. But the early Muslims did not celebrate his birthday and it’s not in the authentic saying of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

Asking for a divorce

Q: My husband is not taking care of me and my child financially. I was a working person before marriage and now I'm still working. He thinks that I am earning enough and don't need his money. Can I ask for a divorce because of this?

What to do with money received from section 18A certificate?

Q: I would just like to enquire the following; Currently I contribute zakaat, sadaqah or lillah money to certain organisations,

•If one receives a Section 18A certificate for the above donations & money is received back again from SARS; what can this money be used for:

-Does this money have to be given back to charity?

-Can this money be used to pay traffic fines?

-Can this money be used for any other personal use?

Mistakenly dropping the Quraan

Q: I have disrespected Quran many times. Most of the time it is unintentionally. But it happens many times. Such as today, I was reading Quran keeping it over two pillows and while reciting, it suddenly dropped down and touched my feet. My eyes were closed because I was reciting from memory. Many times the Quran Sharif dropped from my hand. I unintentionally touched it without wudu and it was touched by my feet one more time in my life when I was young. What do I do since it burdens my mind?

Going to beaches and public pools

Q: I wanted to ask if it is haraam or permissible for Muslims to go to public beaches with family and kids where there are uncovered men and women swimming. I live in Canada and my family members frequently go to lakes and beaches etc in summers and they say that as long as you can can guard your own eyes and not be tempted towards sins then there are no issues. If you have any issues then you should go to some Islamic country as here the kids see these things everywhere and you will have to control them then they will not go towards it more. Whenever I try to convince someone against it, all of them justify that other Muslim families also go there and where else should we go to in the hot summer. Can you kindly guide me about the clear Islamic rulings about this matter so I have a solid reason to believe and guide others around me.

Meaning of dua changing taqdeer

Q: I would like to ask something about Taqdeer. Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that nothing can change taqdeer except for dua... But the thing is I keep thinking that nothing can change taqdeer except for dua and even dua is written in taqdeer! So is it true that nothing can change taqdeer and even dua is written taqdeer?