Receiving a gift voucher from a shop on one's birthday
Q: If a certain online shop gifts me a voucher to use on their website and they give it to me on my birth date, is it permissible to buy using this voucher on their website?
Q: If a certain online shop gifts me a voucher to use on their website and they give it to me on my birth date, is it permissible to buy using this voucher on their website?
Q: Is it permissible to recite Surah Fatiha at the time of tashahhud if you don’t know what to say.
Q: Can Muslim women wear jeans at home? I live with my parents. Whenever I go out I usually wear an abbaya but at home I usually wear jeans with sometimes short shirts. Is this also considered imitating men? I mean there is alot of difference in men's and women's shirts.
So is wearing these kind of shirts with jeans at home also haraam? Many women nowadays wear jeans so is this also considered imitating men?
Q: Wife and son wants to sell property without fathers/husband permission. He bought the property and put it on his wifes name 26 years ago because he works in Saudi Arabia. After some time he took a second wife and now his first wife son wants to sell the property.
Q: Sometimes I feel that I should not take my family to a hotel once a week. The cost of one meal at the hotel is equal to one week rashan charges of poor. Should I stop going to the hotel or not.
Q: If a husband tells his wife that if you dont fix your attitude then you go. Would that be divorce?
Q: I am a lecturer. My sister couldn't qualify her studies. Her issue is anger. This makes her life difficult. She is unmarried and 37 years old. She considers me to be responsible for her studies and marriage. She didn't allow me to get married. She broke things and hit me and abuses me. My mother is old and she cries when this happens. What should I do?
Q: What does Allah Ta'ala tell women to do if they are still not married or are not getting married by His will and yet still get orgasms or thoughts about masturbating?
Q: I have seen many women read salaah with tights or skinny jeans and they put a burqa over. The burqa ends around their knees and the rest of their legs are visible. Is the salaah valid?
Q: If a person memorizes the Quran, but makes a few mistakes while reciting it by memory, can he still become a Hafiz? Just to clarify can a person still pass his hifz test and become a hafiz if he makes mistakes?