Islamic organizations

Q: I have a few questions regarding the running of Islamic Organisations. Can you please tell me if the following clauses are legitimate in running Islamic Organisations.

(A) “Decision making at Mashwaras shall as far as possible be undertaken on the basis of unanimity of views. If this is not possible, due to difference of opinions, the decision shall lie with the majority view. In the event of equality of votes, the Faisals (decision makers) decision shall be the deliberating factor.

(B) Cessation of office of Shura members: Elected members including the Faisal shall cease to hold position if, beyond reasonable doubt, they are removed from responsibility by a two-third majority of the Shura Committee who shall not be obliged to give reasons thereof after having duly accorded an opportunity to the said member/s to state his/their case.“

Can you please look at these clauses and explain:

1) Are they permissible in Shariah regarding the running of Islamic organisations and Islamic institutions?

2) Can any of these clauses be found in running of different departments of Deen during Khulafa e Rashideen? I.e. Department of Finance, Department of Justice, Department of education, Department of propagation, Department of Defence, Department of Islamic rulings and Fatawa etc

3) Are there any rulings by eminent Fuqaha to support the clauses.

4) Constitutions also indicate that the Shurah Council shall appoint a Faisal (decision maker) from amongst the Shurah members but the Faisal is bound by the clause (A) above when decisions have to be made. Is this correct?

I have been told that Hazrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) used to have a named Shurah council (of senior Sahabah) and if his council were unanimous in their opinion about a certain matter then Hazrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) would not go against them.

5) I often hear brothers of certain organisations stating that having an Ameer is the only way to run an organisation independent of any named members of a consultative body, wouldn’t this be a dictatorship and against the principles set out by our Esteemed Khulafa e Rashideen And our Akabireen?

6) Finally, can you please let me know through Scholarly arguments and evidence based research, Can a Shurah Council run an Organisation without having a specific named Ameer? Deciding on matters by mutual consultation and having alternate decision makers during consultative meetings? is this ok in Shariah? as often many brothers are rejecting this notion. To my limited understanding, brothers are comparing organisations to a Khilafat and hence call for an Ameer. If they were to see the organisation as it is, a Department of Deen then they would not hold their view so strongly. But that’s just my view, I could be wrong. please shed some light on this issue. 

Cat food containing carrion

Q: I'd like to inquire about commercially available cat food of the "seafood" variety.

a) Is it permissible to purchase seafood varieties that contain a % of carrion smaller than the main ingredient of fish.

b) If so, is it permissible to feed such food to ones pet?

Would a couple be responsible if they don't know hurmat-e-musaaharah was established?

Q: Would a couple be responsible if they don't know that another person has impacted their marriage? For example, (may Allah protect us all from this) if a daughter touched her father with lust but neither her father or mother know about this, would they be responsible? Would the daughter be sinning if she doesn't tell them as it could have disastrous impact on the family? Would her parents be sinning as they don't know? 

Is an erection required for hurmat-e-musaaharah?

Q: A generic question about "hurmat e musahara". I know lust is defined as the erection of the penis. Does slight movement in the penis, similar to what happens during kegel also cause hurmat e musahara when erection does not properly occur/no full erection occurs. I get anxiety and I'm scared. I'm more or less certain that I've never had a proper erection while touching my mother, but at the same time I'm scared of slight movements in the penis that may have occurred in the past - movements that may have occured due to my mental condition. Especially since the idea of potentially negatively impacting my parents is often on my mind when any physical contact occurs with my mother. A slightly detailed and clear answer on this issue could make the matter clearer to me as often I'm not sure what constitutes lust and it makes the matter tough for me. I'd like to think that I do not in any way want to engage in intercourse with my mother and the idea is reprehensible to me. It's after I started reading fatwa on these that these thoughts have significantly started bothering me. 

Asking fatwas from someone that one has confidence in

Q: There is a local mufti or two I'm close with - they are both teachers in madrasah. One of them is a Khatib in a masjid and the other is an imam. They are known for their knowledge and piety. If I get questions pertaining to these should I consult with one of them? I think I'm more comfortable with that as it's easier to express oneself in person. I had previously asked question(s) pertaining to both of them and their answers gave me comfort. Would it be better if I consult one or both of them on this issue and others, especially with regards to my mental state, instead of questioning scholars online for fatwa? Will I be sufficiently fulfilling my responsibility?