Entering someone's house without their permission to take one's belongings

Q: A person has possession of some of my belongings. I have brought it to his attention but he denies it completely. I am 100% sure he has it. Will it be permissible for me to enter his premises without his permission and take my belongings away and thereafter let him know that I have taken my items away. Will this entering of his premises be regarded as tresspassing in Islam and will it be infringing on his privacy?

Aayat of sajdah in Surah Naml

Q: The Sajdah in Surah Naml is normally made on completion of ayah 26 "Arsh il azeem" (as indicated in the Quraan shareef). According to fatwa hindiyya quoting Allamah Aini it says the sajdah must be made on completing ayah 25:9

وَالنَّمْلِ عِنْدَ قَوْلِهِ: {وَيَعْلَمُ مَا تُخْفُونَ وَمَا تُعْلِنُونَ} [النمل: 25]  

My question based on the above is if a person made the sajdah e tilawat in salaah after ayah 25 instead of ayah 26 will this be regarded as an extra added to the salaah thus requiring the imaam to make a sajdah e sahw or will it be counted as the sajdah e tilawat.

Water splashes while making istinjaa


1. I feel that when I am performing istanja, water gets splashed on my feet after touching my private parts. What is the ruling about these splashes?

2. Secondly I want to ask about how to clean slippers? If I am taking a bath and my body is najis, then how do I make sure that my slippers are clean after cleaning my body. I suffer from doubts about the inner side of the slippers that it becomes najis if najis water falls on my feet or slippers.

3. Last question is about washing shoes and other things which cannot be squeezed three times after pouring water on them? How do we make them paak if they happen to get najis??

Using a tasbeeh

Q: Its mentioned in the hadith to use fingers while doing tasbeeh. So if someone were to use beads instead of fingers just because he likes it more than doing on fingers, is it the same as hating what Allah has revealed? Is it an act of kufr?

See the intrpretation of the meaning of the verses.

- 47:8 But those who disbelieve - for them is misery, and He will waste their deeds.

- 47:9 That is because they disliked what Allah revealed, so He rendered worthless their deeds.

The reason why i quoted it is that Prophet Muhammad (sallalalahu alaihi wasallam) said according to hadith that when we do tasbeeh then do it on the fingers. Now if I prefer to do tasbeeh on beads because its interesting than fingers (i feel like this) am I disliking what Allah has revealed (to obey prophet)?