Blood clots in an egg

Q: I would like to know if, eggs that contain tiny blood clots in them when cracked open haraam for consumption?

Recently I have been having a huge problem with both big, small and tiny blood spots in both the egg yolks and white and most of time it is extremely difficult to see and remove all the blood spots especially if they are a lots small and tiny spots in the egg yolks and sometimes the egg whites. If for example I have to bake a cake it can take at times an hour or more to just clean the eggs. In addition, at times it is impossible and very difficult to remove all the clots.

As a result I have stopped eating eggs and anything that contains eggs because I do not want to consume anything that is not halaal and Tayyab. But I also do not want make what is permissable for consumption haraam.

Do we have remove every tiny blood clot in both the yolks and whites or just the big spots.

Please advice accordingly.

Giving up sins

Q: I need some help. I'm 23 years of age and from a conservative Muslim minority. My problem started when I was younger and I was introduced to porn movies and masturbation. I need your advice.

Reciting from different surahs in salaah

Q: In one musjid, the Imam Saheb read in the first rakaat of Fajr Salaah from the middle of Surah Tahreem,

يا أيها الذين آمنوا قوا أنفسكم و اهليكم

till the end of the Surah. Then in the second rakaat he read a different surah. Is there any reason for doing so? Would it not be better to start at the beginning of the Surah, read 2 pages, then in the second rakaat finish off the Surah?


Q: What is the shari ruling on gambling. Is it actually mentioned in Surah Baqarah that it has some benefit for men?