Having doubts about Islam

Q: If a Muslim has a doubt concerning an Islamic thing, like he heard someone say something about Islam but its widely accepted thing and he gets doubt that if its true or not. If true where is the proof? Like these thoughts. Now I he gets free time and wastes it. Will he be regarded as a kaafir?


Respecting and obeying one's mother

Q: I m very disobedient son of my mother, and she stays unhappy with me, i always try to be good and be obedient but sometimes i loose control over myself and do things which she hasnt allowed me. Today i said a deep sorry to her and made a dua for forgiveness as well, i want to be an obedient son, so i can be successful in life and make my mother happy. So what can i do? Is there any special way to keep god control over myself or any wazifa that will make have god control over myself and be obedient.

Taking the name of Allah at the time of adultery

Q: This question is very important. In fact, almost all committing this sin face this, but do not think about it and do not ask about it. Will this be a kufr to watch pornography and masturbate, in which actors pronounce the name of God during adultery and/or they utter phrases that offend God, during adultery? Will this be contentment with unbelief and with an insult to God, if muslim does not agree with these words and actions in the heart?