Touching one's mother with lust

Q: I am 20 years old and I was lying next to my mother while my legs were touching her legs (out of compassion) though I didnt have any bad intentions. Suddenly a very little bit movement occured in my penis. I mean a very little bit erection. I am very worried whether hurmat musahara has occured or not. If it has taken place according to Imam Abu Hanifa (rahimahullah), cant I take a fatwa of other scholars because it will save my family as we have a well established happy family.

Calling the groom by his step fathers name instead of his fathers name at the time of nikaah

Q: One of my friends is going to get married soon Insha Allah but we have a little query which is creating embarrassment in our minds. His actual father's name is not written under his CNIC but the name of the person his mother is married to after his father's death is written. Will Nikaah be valid as per shariah if the nikaah reciter says his step father's name as per CNIC instead of his real father's name? Kindly please clear the confusion.

Auto Sanguine therapy

Q: Could you please assist and advise if the following is permissible? In Homeopathy, there exists a therapy called Auto Sanguines therapy. This involves taking some of a person's blood and creating a medicine with it, which is taken orally. Is this permissible?

The definition of Auto Sanguine is: In Auto-sanguis dilution therapy, small doses of the patient’s blood are prepared as a homeopathic remedy. The effectiveness of this therapy is rooted in the homeopathic principle that small doses of a substance reverse symptoms caused by large doses of the same substance. People who suffer form an autoimmune disease have elevated levels of pro-inflammatory agents, antibodies, and circulating immune complexes in their bloodstream, all of which are involved in the abnormal immune response. A homeopathic mixture containing minute traces of these substances can reduce or even completely eliminate the autoimmune response. Autosanguis therapy simply means using blood from a patient as a medicine to treat a condition that that patient is suffering from.

Doubting whether haidh has ended

Q: Toward the end of a menstrual period, often it is not clear if the period has ended or not. This causes a frustrating problem: should she wait until she is sure the period has ended, even though she is risking missing a prayer, or should she make ghusl and pray even though it is possible the period has not yet ended? You see, if she chooses to be cautious, often she has to make multiple ghusls until she is finally sure.

Paying for one's divorced wife's expenses during her iddah period

Q: If 2 people are divorced. The girl moves to another town. The ex husband tells his ex brother in law to ask a mufti in his area twice to ask how much iddah money I have to give. But he doesnt ask and says its ok about the money. But I said, no I have to give as its my right. Then he says ok. Do I still have to give? As my ex brother in law is a moulana and he knows its the right of the ex husband to give iddah money. He still didnt ask a mufti. But I gave for 1 month.

Touching a cloth with dry napaak hands

Q: I have read that in order for najasat to transfer from one place to another, flowing wetness needs to be transferred. Now if my hands are not paak but dry, and I hold a cloth in my hand, does it become napaak?? The point where I am confused is that a hand is always sweating and in bright light very tiny droplets of sweat are always visible. Now if in such a scenario, if I touch a cloth, given my hands are not paak but apparently dry and I cannot see any wetness transferred to the cloth, does the cloth remain paak? Does this situation correlate with the ruling that a najsat with size less than a dirham coin could be ignored?


Q: My question is about inheritance according to Islamic Shari'a law. I have a stepmother who has no kids, I have one brother and one sister. What would be the inheritance share from a deceased man in case of two sons, one daughter and wife (our step mother) who has no kids. Our mother died long time ago.