Employer changing the employment contract

Q: I work for a religious organization Alhamdulillah they do very good work ماشاء الله

1. My original hours of work were 9 to 5 Monday to Friday. However to also avail myself for certain over and above takazas and mashwarah outside of my working times (failure to attend these outside of working time gatherings or takazas result in getting reprimanded).

Is this permissible in the shariah?

2) After 6 months I was asked to work one weekend a month (Saturday and Sunday) with no additional pay for the two days.

Is this permissible in the shariah?

3. After another 8 months they called me into a meeting in which to take responsibility in another department which the person who was hired specifically for that purpose declined due to the nature of that work. I agreed to do so on certain conditions which were supposed to be met at the end of July. However at the end of July those conditions were not met and they said I should start in that position immediately as there was no one else to fulfill it and if I refuse then my original post would become refunded and they would have to cut down on staff.

The new position involves me relocating and changing my whole schedule to accommodate this new position. It involves longer hours and an additional weekend (now two weekends in the month).

Is it permissible in shariah for them to coerce me into this position and extract extra hours and weekends from me without discussing renumeration etc.?

Also, due to the criterion not being met at the end of July I'm forced to fulfill this position from 4 different locations and as I explained to them that this will be difficult they expect me still without discussing the renumeratiin and other logistics and how me accountable for any defaults. Is the above permissible in the shariah?

In addition to working for this organization you are not allowed to be actively involved in any other business or sundry activities in your own personal time. Is this permissible in the shariah?

Paying an official to get one's work done

Q: I am in the construction industry working in a private consulting firm where we work with the public sector (government). In some projects, hard cash has to be paid to a government official for certain processes to be done quicker then the normal waiting time. For example if the process of getting a document approved is 6 weeks, payment can be made to the individual to get it approved within a week such that the deadline can be met for the client (government). Does this count as bribery? If yes, what can be done to avoid such if your boss requires it to be done?

Muslim handling haraam meat

Q: Novotel is a hotel where people stay, and they serve breakfast and dinner. In the morning, they have a buffet with various food items like bread, beans, eggs, and sausages, including pork bacon. The chef mentioned that the chicken and beef sausages are halaal.

If I work there, my tasks will include cleaning tables, carrying plates, and refilling the food, including bacon. In the evening, they also have a bar.

As a Muslim lady, can I work in this hotel for the breakfast buffet?

Distributing parcels and hampers from the Musjid

Q: The following appears in "The Three Harams" by Madrasah Ta’leemuddeen:

"Do not distribute parcels, hampers and other goods in the musjid. Similarly, do not make the musjid a drop off point for collecting parcels."

Please advise:

(1) What is the status of distributing parcels and hampers in the Musjid parking lot and yard? This happens in poor areas in KZN, where Muslim and Ulama relief groups or individuals, arrange for the distribution of groceries and blankets in the Musjid yard. People, males and females, line up and collect.

(2) Distributing Qurbani meat in the Masjid parking lot / yard. Is this correct?

(3) A feeding scheme takes place for the poor children after afternoon Madrasah at the Masjid. The children sit and eat in the madrasah section, which is a large room adjoining the last saff. Is this permissible?

(4) Grocery hampers are distributed to poor people in the Masjid entrance/shoe rack area, the goods are given to poor people as they leave. Is this permissible?

Children standing next to their fathers in the saff during salaah

Q: I wanted to ask the mas'alah regarding children standing in saffs with the men. I always knew that small boys should stand behind the saffs of the men. However, I have noticed a trend of small boys standing next to their fathers.

It just worries me and I am inconvenienced at these small boys standing beside me in the saff. Please advise and guide as to what is correct according to Shariah.