Explanation of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) going through difficulty when passing away

Q: Please explain the meanings of these Ahadith:

Hazrat Aisha narrates: “Having seen the agony the Prophet suffered while dying, I will not envy anyone’s easy death.” (Tirmidhi, Dead, 8).

In another narration, Hazrat Aisha said: “The Messenger of Allah died on my chest. Having seen it with the Messenger of Allah, I will not consider the severity of death bad for anyone.” (Nasai, Dead, 6).

Feeling lust when being touched by one's mother

Q: A few months ago after I had returned from a journey to my home, my mother touched me with her both hands on my face and she was crying as she missed me. She touched me 2-3 times and I felt strange and did my best to stop the feeling which might constitute hurmat musaharah. The feeling and notions stopped after few seconds but the private part reached its limit. This all happend within 15-20 seconds and my mother stopped touching me on my cheeks. Does hurmat take place? My parents are of liberal mindset and I'll have to face problems after announcing this. Should I keep quiet? Or reveal this to them?

Wazifa for protection

Q: Please confirm which is the proven and authentic way of sunnah for all kinds of protection because I heard that surah al fatiha X 7, Ayat al kursi X 3 and surah Ahad, surah Falaq, surah Naas X 3 times each in fajar, maghrib and before sleep is sunnah practice. 

Beating the duff in the musjid

Q: I came across this hadith: Aisha (Radiyallahu Anha) narrates that Rasulullah (Sallallaahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, “Proclaim the nikah. Have it done in the masjids. Beat the daffs (tambourine drums without jingling discs or bells) for the occasion.” (Tirmizi vol. 1 pg. 207 Qadeemi) So is it permissible to beat the daff in masjid?

Women studying online

Q: I have completed my A Levels but did not attend a university after that as I was told by my Shaikh that leaving the house for such studies was not permissible for women. Now I wish to enroll in an online university for a 4-year Psychology Bachelor Program. In this university, classes are conducted online and are prerecorded. One has to listen to lectures online and only leave the house for taking the exams. I was told by someone who has already studied from the said university that the prerecorded lectures are sometimes given by male teachers as well. However, I may be able to guard my eyes by only 'listening' and not watching if the lecturer is a male. Kindly advise me as to whether it is allowed to enroll in such a university or not.