Working for Careem, Uber and Uride
Q: Is it permissible to work as a driver for Careem, Uber or Uride?
Q: Is it permissible to work as a driver for Careem, Uber or Uride?
Q: Would it be wise to marry my first cousin whose sister got divorced but his family sent her back with her ex-husband (who actually orally gave her talaaq 3 times) knowing the ex-husband had given his sister divorce? She is now living with her ex-husband and his family. Thus frustrates me and her brother has asked for my proposal.
Q: I had left some money with an acquaintance. He invested the money and with the profits bought homes etc. and has a big bank balance. To whom does all this money and homes belong to?
Q: Why do we find problems between the spouses in the marriage? At times, the wife is defiant and does not wish to obey the husband and at times, the husband conducts irresponsibly towards his wife?
Q: Is it okay for a husband and wife to see each others body naked and see their private parts?
Q: If I intend to travel to a place which is more than 50 miles away (Place A), and intend to stay there for 20 days, I understand that I will not be a traveler and will not do qasr. However, after 20 days at Place A, if I travel to Place B which is 50 miles away from Place A, and intend on staying there for 5 days, will I do qasr in Place B?
Q: I have an Arab friend and at times he says to me that this work of tabligh is bid'ah. I normally go for three days every month in jamat and also try to spend 40 days every year. Kindly can you give me some detailed references, telling me about this work of tablighi jamat from Quran and Sunnah so I can tell him.
Q: A daughter is displeased with her father and does not wish to have anything to do with him. The father on the other hand is very upset with the daughter and is also ignoring her. The relationship is getting worse by the day. What can be done to mend the relationship?
Q: Alhamdulillah I use a counter to make zikr. Generally I meet alot of people of different races, cultures, etc. All of them ask the same question. "What's the counter for?" Could you please advise me what to tell them. Something that'll be simple but InshaAllah a means of hidayaat for them. Something that'll attract them to Islam and create that love for Allah Ta'ala.
Q: I've been in a relationship with someone for the past five years, the reason we didn't get married earlier was because my mother dissaproved. After a while I lost interest in the young man. Then I met someone new, I love this new person alot, but we had a had some issues and we broke up for a while about four months, so the first guy who had been in the picture earlier asked me if he could marry me so I said okay he could, but a month later the second guy returned back into my life and my heart preferd to be with him, but the other person had already introduced himself to my family.
1. What is the penalty for calling off the engagement with him so I could marry the one my heart is inclined towards?
2. What is the penalty for running away and getting married without my guardians consent, cause I can't tell them about the second person, cause he's not from the same race as I am.
I'd read a question were the answer was that it was shameful to do so, is it just shameful or is there a penalty for doing so with Allah Ta'ala.