Is ruqya a treatment or a sunnah?
Q: Is ruqya a treatment or a sunnah?
Q: Is ruqya a treatment or a sunnah?
Q: If a husband and wife read salaah together, where does the wife and daughter stand compared to the son?
Q: If any matter in dunya is globally accepted and recognised yet against the teachings of our beloved prophet Muhammed sallallahu alaihi wasallam and Quran. Is it allowed to adjust our aqeedah to live/survive in modern times or should we rebel against what is wrong even if you stand alone against the entire world?
Q: Is there any excuse for committing zina? I'm suffering from different kind of mental diseases and I feel like zina would help me overcoming them.
Q: Is it permissible to wear the clove bracelets. I heard that it symbolises something not sure if it’s true.
Q: What should I do when my mother is old and she has no one to look after her. My husband does not want me to take care my mother. I am the only child. My father passed away.
I told my husband that she does not have anyone to go to but he ruined her visa application so she cannot stay with me. I am sad to see her in pain but I don't know what to do? If I take her side then my husband blames baseless things in her.
What do I do in such a situation? He's not supporting me in this. He's also not a religious man and he does not pray at all. He does not follow Islam. There no family members that can step in and stop him.
Q: Is the provident fund halaal or not?
Q: I bought a TV with option of no cost emi of 3 months. After emi completion, Later I found out that it is not permissible and it involves interest as bank gives loan and charges interest and then I checked my statement and found out.
I usually buy items paying all amount but this happened first time that I had to take this option of no cost emi. From the day, I came to know I am feeling bad. Should I sell of my TV or keep it? If I sell I won't even get 50% of amount which I took. So I am in a dilema. What should I do in this case.
Q: I am confused on how to proceed with missed prayers. I am very ashamed of my past as I missed a ton of prayers due to laziness and ignorance. I have repented and I am trying to not miss any more prayers. I have been given 2 different instructions regarding the missed prayer.
1. All missed prayers should be made up with Qadha. One should calculate estimate of all prayers missed and offer qadha as much as one can.
2. It is not necessary to make up the missed prayers as Qadha as since prayer has a set time and once the time limit for the prayer has gone it cannot be done. One should repent and pray more sunnah prayers such as tahajjud and sunnahs of the fard prayers.
Which one is correct? Most people who gave me advice have advised 2 and quoted Al-Muhalla, 2/235.
Q: I am about to turn 19 and live in Canada. I am baligh since the age of 9 (which means I had my periods). I am currently in college and I like a guy. I want to do nikkah but my parents don't allow nikkah at such a young age specially till I don't complete my studies which has around 5 to 7 years.
I am scared of doing something haram (like zina) and I want to turn it halal as soon as possible. I have the witnesses, I am completely sure about this marriage since the guy belongs to a good family which is also religious and fulfils its Islamic duties. But I recently heard that nikkah without the consent of wali is invalid.
Now my question is, in what Hadith or verse of the Quran is it mentioned that the father should be wali? Can I make an imam my wali? Or can I conduct my nikkah without a wali while fulfilling other conditions such as witnesses, and haq mehar.
A detailed response over this matter for better insight would be appreciated.