Assisting beggars
Q: What are we supposed to do with the beggers around the street and market from which most of them are physically normal and mentally stable while other are handicapped or old. Should we help them by giving them money or not?
Q: What are we supposed to do with the beggers around the street and market from which most of them are physically normal and mentally stable while other are handicapped or old. Should we help them by giving them money or not?
Q: Is it permissible to celebrate a wedding anniversary, not on a large scale but just a little surprise for my husband within the budget of aprox. R500?
Q: If a person read Surah Naas in the first rakaat, what should he read in the second rakaat?
Q: A man joined the Salaah after the Imaam completed the Surah Faatihah. Should he recite sana?
Q: If a muqtadi performs sajda-e-sahw without turning his head to the right and saying salaam, will the salaah be valid or should he repeat it?
Q: A man who possesses the nisaab is not performing Hajj because if he does so, his parents will get hurt as they have not yet performed Hajj/Umrah. Should he perform Hajj or should he delay the Hajj so that his parents are not hurt?
Another person planned to go for Hajj, but his father said that he cannot go unless he pays him a huge amount. The son couldn't pay him the amount and so he didn't perform Hajj, as he thinks that by disobeying his father, he will not enter Jannah. What should he do? Listen to his father or perform Hajj?
Q: A fruit from the neighbour’s tree fell into my land and remained there until it grew into a tree. To whom does the tree belong?
Q: Is there any narration in regards to throwing kajoor in a nikaah?
Q: My brothers wife confesed to have feeling for the guy down the road. He issued a talaaq raji with a condition saying if she has any communication then it takes effect. She violated the talaaq.
He issued a second talaaq raji without any condition after which he took her back by hugging her .When it was told to her that she must check the valadity of her nikaah she mentioned that on several occasaion while discussing there marriage my brother told her ,"I am done with you , it over " . Does there nikaah terminate completly .Does she have to remarry someone before they get back together . If they live together are they in sin.
Q: If the Imam recites Qirat by mouth and there is only 3 lines (saffs) of musallees and the sound by mouth reaches till the 20th line (saff), but still he recites qirat using the microphone and the sound of the loud speaker reaches 5 decibles which can be heard in the building beyond the mosque. The sound level for the 1st line (saff) of musallees is about 95 decibles (dB).
1. Though the mouth is enough, still using the mike and loud speaker, is it tasarruf?
2. When the sound level (dB) goes up beyond the permissible limit (60 dB) what should we do?
3. During the Fajr prayer when the qirat is going on so loudly, it is very difficult to pray sunnat of Fajr.
4. Though the mouth is enough, still using the loud speaker, is it riya?