Meaning of "Allah Paak will call you to perform Umrah"

Q: I heard many people say, including my husband, that when Allah pak will call you that's when you will perform Umrah but I wanted to know that if you don't have the intention of going, don't have your mind set, ain't done your preparation of going, how can you say your not ready because Allah did not call you, when I didn't even put any efforts myself.

If applying for the visa and then the visa gets rejected will be more like Allah pak does not what you to come yet. Is this right or wrong? Do you need to make the niyyat for anything before you can say that Allah did not want you to do this etc?

Imaam going into ruku immediately after reciting the aayat of sajdah and making the intention of sajdah tilaawat in ruku

Q: In Fardh Salaah, as an Imaam, if I read an Aayah of Sajdah, can I immediately go into ruku at the end of the Sajdah Aayah? i.e. (not going down into a Sajdah Tilaawah), but making intention of sajdah in the ruku.

NB: I did this a few items without informing the congregation.

Please can Mufti Saheb inform me what is the correct thing to do.