Changing one's life
Q: I have a scary problem. This is how my story begins. Since I was young, I prayed as how my mum asked me to and obeyed her. If I asked Allah for anything then He granted it to me, Alhamdullilah. Since I reached the age of 15 my life changed. I started missing some salat and now I am 18 and in this stupid situation. I want to change and I don't know what's stopping me from becoming a better Muslim. I cry almost every day. I dream some times and see the grave and the hereafter. Sometimes I see in my dream that I entered Jannah. I want to change. Will Allah accept my repentance? I really need help from you ustaadh. I want to memorize the Quran but I can't do anything since I am in school and am not successful. My problem is if I die, will I enter hell?