Memory foam musalla
Q: I have been gifted a memory foam musallah. Is prayer permissible on this mat?
Q: I have been gifted a memory foam musallah. Is prayer permissible on this mat?
Q: Is prayer acceptable whilst wearing eyelash extensions?
Q: Last Ramdhan I was sailing in the sea, and I couldn't fast for most of it. I was Mufter for a period I don't know exactly. What I know is that it is not less than 18 days. Now I am in shore. What should I do?
Q: I have a discharge problem and I fall under the category of mazoor. I have a few questions
1. Do I need to make istinja for every salaah?
2. Do I need to change my panty liner for every salaah?
3. I'm pregnant and I have a gas problem, will passing wind break my wudhu?
4. If I'm making tawaaf and I pass wind. Will I need to remake my wudhu?
Q: I am married for 3 and half years. I stay with my in laws but its very difficult to stay with them. I want my husband to take a seperate house. What is the process and how can I do it?
Q: If someone is impure due to a wet dream, so in that situation without ghusl, can he have intercourse with his wife?
Q: Is it allowed in Islam to bath with your husband or wife in a bathroom which also has toilet (wc) in it.
Q: I take Pietermaritzburg as my home (Wathne Asli), however due to me studying and being married, I live in Isipingo Beach and take Isipingo as my Wathne Iqaamat. If I stay in Isipingo for less than 15 days will I be a musaafir in Isipingo? Doesَ my wife have to follow my intention as taking Pietermaritzburg as my Wathne Asli and Isipingo as my Wathne Iqaamat, or can she take Isipingo as her Wathne Asli?
Q: One of my friends was a chain smoker until recently. Even after many attempts he was unable to give up smoking. Finally one day he took an oath by holding Quran paak in his hand that he would never smoke again. But after few days he started smoking again. So what is the kaffara of the oath which he took on Quran.
Q: Is it permissible to saver money in a savings account in an Islamic bank? We are only using the actual money which we have saved. Whatever savings profit we receive from the bank, e.g. 2% etc. will be given to the poor