Keeping a care taker to look after one's old mother

Q: I have a care taker working for me in my home helping me to look after my old mother. Recently she told me that legally she is unable to work in this country. I was unaware of this and I am worried for my mother as she needs the care. Should I end the care takers employment or can I give her a gift rather than wages and keep her on? My two brothers are paying me for the care taker and they said that they are responsible for her payment. If I can give her a gift then how do I calculate the amount I pay her?


Q: I have some questions that have been effecting my life for a long time.

1. Unfortunately I made a mistake of watching palmistry videos on youtube and saw some bad signs on my hand. I know its haram but I've made this mistake. I know no one in the heavens or on earth knows what is the unseen but according to the Hadeeth, the jinn travel to the lowest heaven and tell some of the information to the fortune tellers. I'm afraid that the fortune teller might have made some connections with jinn and what she told was true?  

2. I saw my sister's hand and I'm afraid that I might have also made some connection with a jinn and what I saw would become true.

3. If Allah Ta'ala has made these lines on our hands then they might have a purpose and meaning... does that mean that these lines do have a meaning but no one has the knowledge about them?

4. Please kindly give a satisfactory answer if i might have somehow through possession or accident made a connection? Is this possible? I have heard that we can make connections through sacrilegious acts? What are those acts?

5. I read somewhere that there are still some people who resemble to the fortune tellers from the time of ignorance. Is it possible that the palmist I saw on youtube had some knowledge and resembled one of them?

6. I also read somewhere that the predictions sometimes come true that is because the palmist gets information from the jinn. Is that still possible beacuse only Hazrat Suleman (alaihis salaam) had such powers to control jinn

7. I've asked many people and they said that one cannot be sure if some connection with a jinn is made. Is it true?

Trimming split ends

Q: My friend wants to cut her hair which is below her buttocks and she is complaing that it is thin and has split ends, what should we tell her? Also if she intends to cut it upto the lower part of her back, is it permissble? She says that she is doing it for growth and because it gets stuck in her buttocks. However, because shes an alimah Im telling her to do ihtiyaat since we sometimes end up taking leeways and following desires. What should I tell this girl because she keeps insisting that she wants to do it?

Meaning of Salawaat upon Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

Q: My Question is that why we say 'Peace Be Upon Him' for Holy Prophet? Is Holy Prophet not in peace and safe?

In the Holy Quran Allah says that when beleivers come to you say to them ''salam alaikum - may you be safe" so this verse is for living people not for those who have passed away and we are sure that Holy Prophet is safe and in peace. So why "Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam"? As generaly given refrence is that Allah says in Holy Quran that I read and My angels read salat to Holy Prophet so you should also read but actually the sense and meaning of this verse is "I and My angles help Holy Prophet and you should also help him" Please explain.