Assisting a woman who is married to a Sayyid with zakaat

Q: My friend is non-syed, hes husband is syed, they are poor and needy. Her son recently diagnose with brain cancer tumor. Doctors advice them to do surgury as soon as possible other wise the child will be dead in a month. The total expense is 5 lack of the operation. My friend didnt even have 5 thousand in her pocket nor hes husband have. Question is can she apply for zakat for her childs life?

Being buried next to a sinful person


1- In some Kitaabs stories are mentioned of pious people getting buried next to sinful people due to the punishment on the sinful it has effected the pious in the grave and caused the pious to get old and have white hair etc, is it proven from Quran and ahadith that burying a pious person next to a sinful person will harm the pious person in any way?

2- Is it proven from Quran and ahadith that a person who has passed away feels and knows when he is bathed, shrouded etc and who is doing it?


Q: We are married for 5 years now but we still dont have any children. We want to adopt a newly born baby, please help us.