Hanafi fidyah amount
Q: I would like to know what’s the fidya amount for Hanafee please?
Q: I would like to know what’s the fidya amount for Hanafee please?
Q: Is it permissible for an anaesthetic doctor to work with a plastic surgeon who may do cosmetic surgery i.e a patient is booked for cosmetic surgery and the anaesthetist will be required to put the patient to sleep for the procedure?
Q: There is a site who give 0.35$ every day to it's verified users who login every day. It's like daily login rewards. Verified users are those who complete their verification process through identity card. Is the money earned haraam or halaal?
Q: Is it permissible to speak a lie to not make someone worried about you?
Q: I remember hearing in a bayaan a long time ago that a male's first responsibility is to his parents and then his wife, and a female's is to her husband first.
What is the Shar'ee ruling on this? What is the order of preference in Shariah if there is one?
Q: I’ve heard from someone that it is impermissible to reuse water for wudhu, however if someone lets the water from the tap run over his arm such that only one side of the arm is being directly hit with the water and the other side is getting wet by the water flowing over the arm, then will this be a valid wudhu?
Q: By mistake I left open my spice tin overnight. I know that we have to ensure all food is covered at night.
My question is what should I do with the food/spices that were left open overnight? Do I have to discard it or bury it or can I use it?
Q: Is it permissible to whiten teeth using blue light therapy?
Q: I had ejaculation so then I performed ghusl. After some time a little semen ejaculated even though I was not aroused. Should I do ghusl again?
Q: I know that it is permissible for a man to wear silver, but is it permissible for a man to wear a silver bracelet?