Secret nikaah
Q: A girl I know has done a nikaah with her boss. She did not have her guardian present and there was no written documents. They had a supposed molvi reading the nikaah and two witnesses. It was all verbal. Does the nikaah stand?
Q: A girl I know has done a nikaah with her boss. She did not have her guardian present and there was no written documents. They had a supposed molvi reading the nikaah and two witnesses. It was all verbal. Does the nikaah stand?
Q: I have been in a relationship with a boy for the past year and it resulted in us both committing a disgraceful act and has resulted in a child. We have repented and asked for taubah and want the baby to be legitimate in the eyes of Allah by performing nikaah. The problem is with my mother, she does not agree to this and says I am too young and also she is not religiously inclined when it comes to marriage in Islam. She says that I am 17 and cannot do this without her consent. I was wondering if there are any ways to make nikaah secretly until we can do it openly. My first priortity is my child and I want to do this properly and the boy and his family agree to this.
Q: I previously purchased a playstore account with 7 more girls in university. Now I am starting my own android app business so I will buy my own separate playstore account as my intention is to sell features of my urdu learning app. There is some different process to put the app on the playstore for sale. So I want to make a separate test app to test the process of selling.
My question is, can I do this testing on the previously purchased playstore account which is owned by the 7 girls from university and myself. I will only do the testing for the selling process with the permission of the 7 other girls. If yes, do I need to share my profit with those 7 girls when I will be selling my app later on?
Note: I will not put my selling app on this account which is owned by the 7 other girls. I will only test the selling process.
Q: I would like to know how to find the qibla direction without a compass?
Q: My father saves enough money and my mother has jewellery. I know the nisaab for savings, gold and silver. As per the criteria, Zakat is wajib on my parents. Till now, in their entire life they didn't pay zakat. They did toubah (repented) for not paying it. Now how do they pay zakah for all the previous years because they don't know when they became sahib-e-nisaab.
Also determining the savings of my father for all the previous years is quit complicated. How much should they start giving from this year?
Q: A boy wants to marry me and he is already engaged. He proposed to me even before his engagement, but there were problems from my side so I responded with a NO. Now he is not happy with his engagement and is having understanding issues with his fiance and wants to get engaged to me. He has good character and is really interested and now I feel the same. He wants to break his engagement in a proper way without degrading his fiance or her family. I want to ask if it is Ok for me to accept the proposal and let him do what he wants or will it be a injustice to that girl?
Q: Is there any significance to lightly nodding the head during zikr? Is this a sunnah practice?
Q: My mom circles money around my head and sometimes even eggs for some kind of protection. I have a feeling this practice is not Islamic so I was wondering if it it permissible in Islam.
Q: I am a 26 years old male. My right hand has got fractured and with plaster of Paris... Due to it I cannot use it and can't remove my upper clothes (shirt, etc.). I can go to the washroom on my own but I can't take a bath due to the injury. However I can only perform wudu (with masah on injured hand) and can wash lower part of my body i.e. legs and face and head. What is the ruling if ghusal gets obligatory upon me.... Should I make tayammum instead of ghusal or washing lower part of body, face and head and wet hand on upper body will suffice?
Q: I understand that it is shirk to intend to do worship for the sake of Allah as well as someone else (that the intention should only be for Allah). Is it shirk to have both the intention to achieve something as well as to please Allah when you're doing tasks that normally are not worship?
Say for example, you are cooking, both to feed your family but also because you hope Allah will be pleased with you and reward you for feeding your family. Or, giving your mother a foot massage both to please your mother and to please Allah. Is this shirk? If not, how does it differ?