Changing one's date of birth
Q: Is it permissible to change birth year in the birth certificate? My parents put my age one year younger than the real age. There is no way to change it now. Is it okay?
Q: Is it permissible to change birth year in the birth certificate? My parents put my age one year younger than the real age. There is no way to change it now. Is it okay?
Q: Is it sunnah to cover your head when going to the toilet?
Q: If someone is mentioning something bad about a person who he knows but is unknown to me, is it backbiting? Will we both be sinful?
Q: Someone told me that we should not ask Allah Ta'ala for patience. If we ask for patience, Allah Ta'ala will afflict us with trials. Instead, we should ask for a blessed life and a grateful heart. Is this correct?
Q: If I was away from home and after reaching home, I saw that my period started and it's the makrooh time of asr salaah, then do I have to make qazaa of this asr salaah after becoming paak?
Q: Are we allowed to cut the split end? If so, do we just cut of from the split?
Q: If I miss saying "Aameen" when the Imam finishes Surah Faatihah, will it affect my namaz?
Q: Is it permissible to ask for forgiveness in sujood?
Q: The one who doesn't pray salaah at all intentionally but believes it is obligatory is he a Kaafir.I see most of the well known scholars say this like ibn baz,ibn uthyameein from saudi arabia but i have seen some who say that he is not as long as he believes in shahada,etc.
Q: What are the waajibat of salaah as per the Hanafi mazhab?