Marital rape
Q: What does Islam say about marital rape? Does the husband get sin if he hurts the wife in the process?
Q: What does Islam say about marital rape? Does the husband get sin if he hurts the wife in the process?
Q: I missed reciting the qiraat after Surah Faatihah in one rakaat of my esha salaah and I performed sajdah-e-sahw. Is sajdah-e-sahw sufficient or do I have to repeat the salaah?
Q: At what stage should the Imaam commence reciting the Takbeer when going into ruku and sajdah? Should he commence as he changes posture or is it permissible for him to recite this Takbeer after going into ruku or sajdah?
Q: I am a fairly wealthy person and don't give much to my siblings' children because they are in my will. However I give lots of charity/sadaqah to other organizations. Is my sadaqah or charity valid if my sibling divorced his wife and left her and his kids, and they are not well off and struggle every other day?
Q: Should one pay zakaat on the money given as a deposit for purchasing a house?
Q: Kindly let me know if any Muffasir of the Quran mentioned that it was a Lion (and not a dog) that was present with the Ashaab-e-Kahf in Surah Kahf of the Quran.
Q: My father has passed away and has left property behind (house, animals, some cash) please guide me regarding distribution among siblings. The following details might be helpful for you:
1. My grand parents are not alive (brothers of my father are alive and have childrens)
2. My father already shifted the house on my name in his life (because he did not want to distribute it to other share holders)
3. I have mother and 3 sisters all of them are married and two of them don't want to share property (voluntarily)
4. My step sister under 18 years she lives with her mother (my step mother who was divorced)
Q: What is the ruling when it comes to surgery, for example, having an appendix removed or getting a kidney transplant etc?
Q: I woke up after having a wet dream. I immediately made Ghusl and then remained awake for sometime during which I performed Salaat. I then urinated. A sticky, semen-like fluid came out with the urine. The urine was also very cloudy indicting the possible presence of semen therein. I therefore made Ghusl again.
1. Was it necessary for me to make Ghusl again after observing this about the urine?
2. Was the Salaat valid?
Q: I had bay'at with a shaikh. Can I change my shaikh without informing him or is it necessary to inform him?