Wazifa for courage
Q: I am very nervous. If I go for namaz, I can't stand in the 1st row. Also in an interview. Please give me a dua to make me strong.
Q: I am very nervous. If I go for namaz, I can't stand in the 1st row. Also in an interview. Please give me a dua to make me strong.
Q: I have an English project at school in which I need a very specific kind of urdu poem. However, I did not find any suitable urdu poem, so I thought of making up a poem based on a false story, or a real story but with false details, just to achieve the requirements of my assignment. My intention is not to report the story in the poem, but to illustrate the details like setting and characters, genre and the language in it. Is this permissible in Islam, or will this be considered a lie?
Q: How do you calculate two years of breast feeding? Say someone started breast feeding on the 5th Muharram, would the time limit be exactly on the 5th Muharram two years later or do you calculate it like iddat which would result in 24x30=720?
Q: I wanted to know what is the masala with regards to someone else's child drinking your breastmilk? Does the woman become the foster mother only if a certain amount is drank... and is it necessary to be drank from the breast or even if the child drank it from a bottle?
Q: If I stated a false oath on Quran, for example I say that I swear in the name of Quran that this thing hasn't happened etc. and that because of some complication between husband and wife, to secure their relation is that allowed in Islam? Kindly guide me because I did this to secure a relationship by saying a false oath. Was that wrong or right?
1. What was the age of our Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) when he first got married?
2. According to what shariah did Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) get married becauseIslam was not around at when he first got married?
Q: Can a woman who has a habit of regularly applying coconut oil in her hair apply oil during her iddat period?
Q: In the home, can a girl wear loose fitting full sleeve short shirts that do not show the body figures?
Q: For counting the days of haidh (the number of days of bleeding) should
- the number of days be counted like 5 days or 7 days
-or should the number of hours be counted like 60 hours or 72 hours etc.
This is for if a woman bleeds for more than 10 days... then should she take her previous haidh's days? How should those previous days be counted? In hours or days?
Q: My question is that, if nikah has terminated with the death of the husband then why can she still bath her deceased husband?