Tahajjud Salaah

Q: I want to know is it compulsory to sleep before performing tahujjud Salaah? If a person is awake till 3 am, can he/she then perform the Salaah? I have heard from many people that it's necessary to sleep before.

Dipping chicken in hot water to remove the feathers

Q: In many places, the chicken is slaughtered and then tipped in to the hot water and then the feathers are removed. In all the chicken shops this is the method. Is it permissible to eat this before taking impure parts? Secondly, feather removed by hand instead of using hot water and then roasted to removed small leftover feathers before taking out impure parts, is it permissible?

Becoming angry

Q: Nowadays I am confronting a huge problem. The problem is that I become angry at very small mistakes of others. I can't tolerate anybody elses joke. Sometimes this anger fades away quickly, but sometimes it becomes prolonged. I don't know what to do about it. I am an engineering student, 21 years old. Please grant me a solution to this problem.


Q: I want to ask about the conditions of making waleemah halaal in detail. Is it obligatory to have sexual intercourse or any kind of intimacy of like kissing, smooching, touching etc. to make waleemah halaal under normal conditions? What if the waleemah is planned after 2 days of wedding, and the bride and groom or only bride wants some time to make understanding between both of them prior to any kind of intimacy. Would the waleemah be not halaal in that case? Please explain it in detail as I am so worried.

Three talaaqs

Q: If husband and wife after nikaah and before rukhsati go out for just a drive and don't have some sexual relation, in that case the husband give three talaqs to his wife? So now can he get her as his wife again without halaala? And also if the husband has this thinking in mind that tajdeed-e-nikah will be obviously done before rukhsati that's why he didn't have that fear of talaaq and also he had wanted to pressurizee the wife, he just didn't mean that?

Signing a letter without reading it

Q: I moved to another house and my previous landlord kept my deposit and they made me sign a letter that I did not read. That letter was mandatory to sign to vacate the house. After moving to another house, they sent me a letter and said I pay some amount of money for cleaning the previous house. I want to ask if I will not pay that amount and I signed the paper (which was mentioned to you above) so it is dishonesty or a sin?

Husband forcing the wife to take an oath

Q: I am 32 years old. I got  married 10 years ago and have three kids. I had a relation in my past with other guy. I wanted to marr him but because of some issues did not get married. My husband is a very nice person but from some relatives of mine he came to know about my past. For the past 10 years I suffered from his anger now I am very much changed and pray, do prayers and istighfaar. My husband asked me to take an oath and touch the Qur'an and tell him everything. I don't want to distroy my marriage life and my three kids life. I also tell him about my past, but my husband wants to know each and everything which I don't want to tell him because I don't feel good. Please guide me. Can I take and oath for saving my marriage life and my kids life.

Wife issuing talaaq

Q: One day due to certain arguments wife has give me khula and triple talaaq orally and to her family members she is refusing that I didn't say. At the time of khula and talaaq, my mother was the witness. Please suggest khula and talaaq given by wife, does the khula and talaaq take place. She is staying with her parents now and taken all her clothes also from the house.